Prevent RCLONE from copying a previously copied file who was moved in the drive


About the “rclone copy” command, I would like to know if it’s possible to prevent rClone from copying a previously copied file who was moved in the drive ?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Take a look at the –track-renames flag

I tested it and unfortunately it does not work :frowning:
Any other suggestions?

If you are using crypt it wont work.

Does --track-renames work on copy too or just on sync? My understanding was it was with sync but not copy?

  • Update - I read the docs link above and it certainly says it works with copy

Can you please make a new issue on github about this please? I don’t think --track-renames does work with copy at the moment. It used to so either I need to update the docs (and the code to warn about the comination) or fix it.