Please help Rclone mount on macos

how to do a speedtest ?

can you play 720p without lag?

i stream it on a vidoe player not plex or emby

can you stream 1080p using video player, not using plex or emby?


Retrieving configuration...

Testing from China Telecom (

Retrieving server list...

Selecting best server based on ping...

Hosted by ChinaTelecom 5G (Guangzhou) [110.12 km]: 22.034 ms

Testing download speed................................................................................

Download: 85.28 Mbit/s

Testing upload speed................................................................................................

Upload: 25.08 Mbit/s

i have asked several questions, can you please answer them?

it lag .. on 1080p

not sure what you mean?

can you play 720p without lag using emby/plex?

can you play 720p without lag using media player, not using plex or emby?

can you stream 1080p using video player without lag, not using plex or emby?

post you mount command.

thank for keeping up the replies ...
its working fine now ...
no more lag with videos streaming even on 1080p

do you know how to automount on macos ?

no, but i am sure you can find info on the internet, to run a command at boot time.

I am late to the party here, but if your main goal is for streaming, why not use --vfs-cache mode full? It will likely perform better, right? At the cost of bandwidth (since I think it downloads the whole file) and maybe local storage

my mac storage is only 128gb, will it take up all my storage ??

that is no longer true

so should i use writes or full ?
since my mac dont have much storage ?

try withou either of them

--dir-cache-time 96h
--umask 002
--log-level INFO
--log-file /var/log/rclone.log

what those command do ??

that is from your own command, post eariler in the post?

you can read about them here

this is my current mount

/usr/local/bin/rclone cmount gdrive: /Users/jackiezhao/gdrive \
--allow-other \
--dir-cache-time 96h \
--vfs-cache-max-age 48h \
--vfs-read-chunk-size 64M \
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 2G \
--vfs-cache-mode writes \
--cache-dir=/Users/jackiezhao/rclone_cache \
--buffer-size 32M \
--umask 002 \
--config /Users/jackiezhao/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \

change --vfs-cache-mode writes to --vfs-cache-mode full and test