--no-traverse vs --no-check-dest

--no-traverse will cause the destination not to be listed. Rclone will find each file from the source transfer in the destination individually to see if it needs transferring.

This is great if you are copying just a few files (using --files-from or --max-age 1d) into a large tree of files.

--no-check-dest - I'm going to quote the docs here

The --no-check-dest can be used with move or copy and it causes rclone not to check the destination at all when copying files.

This means that:

  • the destination is not listed minimising the API calls
  • files are always transferred
  • this can cause duplicates on remotes which allow it (eg Google Drive)
  • --retries 1 is recommended otherwise you'll transfer everything again on a retry

This flag is useful to minimise the transactions if you know that none of the files are on the destination.

This is a specialized flag which should be ignored by most users!

So if in doubt use --no-traverse!

Can you tell more about your use case?

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