No Media has been uploaded in a few months

So, I tested with the following:

rclone rc --timeout 1h

It is not allowing me to wait for an hour then run each command, it still just runs all at the same time.

I am trying to get Job Polling to work (in Powershell), I got this so far:

taskkill /F /IM rclone.exe /T
function Get-RcloneJobs
		$customObject = $null
		$customObject = [pscustomobject]@{ }
		$rclone = rclone rc --rc-user=<username> --rc-pass=<password> job/list
		$rcloneObject = ConvertFrom-Json "$rclone"
		$rcloneIds = $rcloneObject | Select-Object JobIds -ExpandProperty JobIds
		$rcloneIds | % {
			$id = $_; start cmd.exe "/C rclone rc --rc-user <username> --rc-pass <password> job/status `"jobid=$id`"" -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Wait | where { $_ -match 'finished' } 
		return $true
		return $false
start cmd.exe "/C rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-user=<username> --rc-pass=<password> --rc-addr=:5572 --stats-one-line --transfers=2 --drive-chunk-size=1024M -vv --buffer-size=1024M --retries 20 --contimeout=600s --log-file C:\rclone-logs\rclone.log" -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
sleep 1
start cmd.exe "/C rclone rc --rc-user=<username> --rc-pass=<password> sync/copy srcFs=`"C:\4K Directory\4k Movies`" dstFs=`"limitless-drives:d.l-4K Movies`" _async=true"
do { $Job = Get-RcloneJobs; sleep 2 }
until ($Job)
Write-Host "Completed"

Its not working as intended though. :frowning:

Did you leave the _async in? You need to remove it if you want rclone to wait.

I don't know powershell so I can't help you with the code above, alas.

If I turn off _async it wont let the upload complete. It says there is an issue right around 90% and wont upload.

With async_ on it has been uploading files as expected, I just have to flood my network with the upload. I really want to control it more.. :sob:

Try increasing --timeout in this case - hopefully that will help.

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