NewFs: ftpConnection Login: Please use AUTH TLS before logging in?

What's the server address?

techandapp@PAR-206287:~$ rclone sync '/home/techandapp/torrents/Action 2019' freebox:/Freebox/Films
2020/07/14 16:59:46 ERROR : ftp://ftpes:/freebox@82.64.:17493/Freebox/Films: Error while Dialing ftpes://freebox@82.64.:17493: dial tcp: address ftpes://freebox@ too many colons in address
2020/07/14 16:59:46 Failed to create file system for "freebox:/Freebox/Films": NewFs: ftpConnection Dial: dial tcp: address ftpes://freebox@82.64.:17493: too many colons in address

do this
rclone config show freebox
post the output, be sure to redact passwords and ids

type = ftp
host = ftpes://freebox@82.64
user = freebox
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***
port = 17493
explicit_tls = true


the host is not correct, try
host =

I know I put my ip address that I delete for not posting anything on the forum and it doesn't work.

again, you need to post

  • command you ran and its output
  • run rclone config show freebox and post the output

techandapp@PAR-206287:~$ config show freebox
-bash: config: command not found

you need to type the command as i gave it to you.

type = ftp
host = ftpes://freebox@
user = freebox
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***
port = 17493
explicit_tls = true


that is not correct

the other person had told me to change the host address

the adresse is ftpes://freebox@

try that and see what happens

I put that before it didn't work.

you should contact the company providing the ftp server.
ask them for the correct value for host.

type = ftp
host = ftpes://freebox@
user = freebox
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***
port = 17493
explicit_tls = true

techandapp@PAR-206287:~$ rclone lsd freebox
2020/07/14 19:14:36 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found
2020/07/14 19:14:36 Failed to lsd with 2 errors: last error was: directory not found

I have to change something.


I'll show you what I'm being offered.



try that hostname and see what happens