New rclone cache feature - files randomly disappear

Same here, although it seems to be much more predictible in my case.

I’ve created a new cache remote for my existing Gdrive remote that is wrapped into a crypting remote, so the order is GDrive -> GDCache -> GDCrypt. With nothing currently mounted, i can run the usual commands like ‘ls’ and ‘lsd’ which would deliver expected results.

but after 5 minutes (the interval seems to be pretty exact as i’ve done it three times now) all files and folders disappear except one single file that is located in the root folder of my GDcrypt remote (all the other stuff is nested in sub-folders).

this status remains until a --cache-db-purge command is sent with ac ls or lsd command to the GDcrypt remote which brings back all the content for another five minutes.

The GDcache remote shows the same contents every single time. It shows a bunch of encrypted directories and files as expected.

runnint the GDcrypt mount with -vv, tons of debugging info shows up but no errors.

a Re-Read takes place after about 5m and after this action, there is only one item remaining.

Initially every item of my GDcrypt remote is listed in the way like

2018/02/23 12:46:52 DEBUG : /Folder_XYZ: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2018/02/23 12:46:52 DEBUG : /Folder_XYZ: >Getattr: errc=0

When the Re-Read is happening, only the one single file located in the root directory becomes listed as a result for the Re-Read.