Multiple commands in crontab script

Hi forum, i'm not a bash scripter but i have build one. It's all right: cron works fine, rclone works fine ecc...
Now i have a needs: i must sync two b2 bucket and i don't want to duplicate my So can I add simply the new rclone sync line to my script?

this is the core:

        echo -e "rclone starts sync\n"
        /usr/bin/rclone sync /media/store1/ b2:bucket &
        echo $! > "${PIDFILE}"
        chmod 644 "${PIDFILE}"

In this way
echo -e "rclone starts sync\n"
/usr/bin/rclone sync /media/store1/ b2:bucket &
/usr/bin/rclone sync /media/store2/ b2:bucket2 &
echo $! > "${PIDFILE}"
chmod 644 "${PIDFILE}"

Thank you in advance!

hello and welcome to the forum,

yes, you can add multiple rclone sync to a script.
and you can test this yourself using

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You'd want to remove the & as that puts it in the background as you don't want that.

Yes, you can run one command than another command without an issue.

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Thank you for the replies,
Last question: second command runs when first finished or they runs together?

yes, that is correct.

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