Missing Folders and Files in Gdrive mount

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

My rclone mount does not show every folder and file, but rclone ls remote:path does show the missing folders und files.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.51.0

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.13.7

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Debian 10 64 bit

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

cd /home/myuser/mnt/movies
ls -la
--> Will show 118 folders
rclone ls gdrive:crypted/movies
--> will show missing other 18 folders

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = XXX.apps.googleusercontent.com
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = {XXX}
root_folder_id = XXX

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:crypto
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = XXX
password2 = XXX

A log from the command with the -vv flag

cd /home/myuser/mnt/movies
ls -la
--> Will show 118 folders
rclone ls gdrive:crypted/movies
--> will show missing other 18 folders

You'd have to share a debug log so we can see what's going on.

rclone ls gdrive:crypted/movies -vv does not output anything different than without the -vv flag.

I used your best settings for plex GitHub repo for my setup :slight_smile: I think I saw a setting for the log in the systemd service.

I will post the output when I am home.

Thank you very much!

You need the mount with -vv to see what's going on as that's the problem.


It is worth trying the latest beta too as we fixed various oddities with shared files.

Also do you have any duplicate folder names? You can't have duplicate names in a mount...

I installed the latest beta and confirmed the installation. It did not fix the issue. Before I posted here I deduped the folder, but a dry run didn't show any change.Thank you for helping me!

I have to thank your for the nice guide and forhelping me here! :smiley:

Here is the log in DEBUG mode:

2020/05/20 20:11:13 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
2020/05/20 20:15:57 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.51.0-353-g5f71d186-beta" starting with parameters ["/usr/bin/rclone" "mount" "crypted:" "/home/myuser/mnt" "--allow-other" "--buffer-size" "64M" "--dir-cache-time" "1000h" "--log-level" "DEBUG" "--log-file" "/home/myuser/logs/rclone.log" "--poll-interval" "15m0s" "--timeout" "1h" "--umask" "002" "--user-agent" "ucuzfilesapp" "--rc" "--rc-addr" ""]
2020/05/20 20:15:57 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
2020/05/20 20:15:57 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/myuser/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'crypted:': Mounting on "/home/myuser/mnt"
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : Adding path "vfs/forget" to remote control registry
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : Adding path "vfs/refresh" to remote control registry
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : Adding path "vfs/poll-interval" to remote control registry
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : : Root: 
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : : >Root: node=/, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : rc: "vfs/refresh": with parameters map[recursive:true]
2020/05/20 20:16:01 DEBUG : : Reading directory tree
2020/05/20 20:16:03 DEBUG : : Reading directory tree done in 1.855619129s
2020/05/20 20:16:03 DEBUG : rc: "vfs/refresh": reply map[result:map[:OK]]: <nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="Filme"
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=Filme/, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Filme/: Attr: 
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Filme/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxrwxr-x, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Filme/: Lookup: name=".grab"
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Filme/: >Lookup: node=<nil>, err=no such file or directory
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="Serien"
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=Serien/, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Serien/: Attr: 
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Serien/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxrwxr-x, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Serien/: Lookup: name=".grab"
2020/05/20 20:16:04 DEBUG : Serien/: >Lookup: node=<nil>, err=no such file or directory
2020/05/20 20:16:12 DEBUG : : Statfs: 
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : >Statfs: stat={Blocks:275260942575 Bfree:274877906944 Bavail:274877906944 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Bsize:4096 Namelen:255 Frsize:4096}, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : /: Attr: 
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : /: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxrwxr-x, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : Statfs: 
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : >Statfs: stat={Blocks:275260942575 Bfree:274877906944 Bavail:274877906944 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Bsize:4096 Namelen:255 Frsize:4096}, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : Statfs: 
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : >Statfs: stat={Blocks:275260942575 Bfree:274877906944 Bavail:274877906944 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Bsize:4096 Namelen:255 Frsize:4096}, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : Statfs: 
2020/05/20 20:16:13 DEBUG : : >Statfs: stat={Blocks:275260942575 Bfree:274877906944 Bavail:274877906944 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Bsize:4096 Namelen:255 Frsize:4096}, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="Filme"
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=Filme/, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Filme/: Attr: 
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Filme/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxrwxr-x, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Filme/: Lookup: name=".grab"
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Filme/: >Lookup: node=<nil>, err=no such file or directory
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : /: Lookup: name="Serien"
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : /: >Lookup: node=Serien/, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Serien/: Attr: 
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Serien/: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxrwxr-x, err=<nil>
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Serien/: Lookup: name=".grab"
2020/05/20 20:16:25 DEBUG : Serien/: >Lookup: node=<nil>, err=no such file or directory
2020/05/20 20:21:47 DEBUG : /: Attr: 
2020/05/20 20:21:47 DEBUG : /: >Attr: attr=valid=1s ino=0 size=0 mode=drwxrwxr-x, err=<nil>

Can you share what the working ls looks like as well and put it in a code block like you did for the mount?

And if you can point out one that shows in the ls and did not show in the mount, that would be great.

I also don't see you listing out "movies" in the debug log. I think I'd expect to see a directory listing for movies since it's mounted to "/home/myuser/mnt". Did you run that ls command on the mount now?

the "movies" folder is the euqivalent to the folder "Filme". I changed a few thing because of privacy, but messed it up because of my lack of consistency.

I have the outputs you asked for, but it will show a part of my movie collection :slight_smile: Can I send you the output somehow? I am not allowed to post links to pastebin and I do not see a way to write PM.

Thank you!

Since you appear to be a real person and not a spambot, I updated your access. You should be able to post a link or PM me if you want.

Either is fine from my side.

PMed. Thank you!

Did you try this and was denied? I had whitelisted that which was supposed to always allow that.

EDIT: I found the issue I think. Thanks anyway.

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