--min-age with shared folder not working

thank you again for this great tool;)

I am trying to backup with versioning like this:

rclone purge "\\server\BACKUP\old" --min-age 3d --dry-run -P
rclone sync "c:\folder" "\\server\BACKUP\current" --backup-dir "\\server\BACKUP\old\%date:~-10,2%-%date:~-7,2%-%date:~-4,4% %time:~-11,2%h%time:~-8,2%m%time:~-5,2%s" -P

however, --min-age does not seem to be correctly interpreted, i think the date of the file “old” impact and if it is more than 3 days old, then all its contents are deleted.

I have the same thing with “delete”.

I think purge removes everything.

You’d want to use rclone delete I believe.

Can you run the command with -vv and share the output?

n this example we realize that it removes everything, whereas I asked to delete only the elements older than an hour …

rclone delete "\\server\BACKUP\old" --min-age 1h --dry-run -vv
2019/03/14 14:06:56 DEBUG : --min-age 1h0m0s to 2019-03-14 13:06:56.386377 +0100 CET m=-3599.984929399
2019/03/14 14:06:56 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.43.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "delete" "\\\\server\\BACKUP\\old" "--min-age" "1h" "--dry-run" "-vv"]
2019/03/14 14:06:56 INFO  : Waiting for deletions to finish
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/IDENTIFIANTS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/INFOS_LISTE.ndx: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/INFOS_LISTE.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/SYNCHRONISATIONS_INFOS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/LICENCES.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/LICENCES.ndx: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/SYNCHRONISATIONS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/TRAITEMENTS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/TRAITEMENTS.ndx: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/LICENCES.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/IDENTIFIANTS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/INFOS_LISTE.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/INFOS_LISTE.ndx: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/LICENCES.ndx: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/SYNCHRONISATIONS_INFOS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/TRAITEMENTS.FIC: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/TRAITEMENTS.ndx: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/Mise à jour/C-AGENT - MiseAJour - Compte-rendu.TXT: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 NOTICE: 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/Mise à jour/C-AGENT - MiseAJour - Compte-rendu.TXT: Not deleting as --dry-run
2019/03/14 14:06:56 DEBUG : 2 go routines active
2019/03/14 14:06:56 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.43.1" finishing with parameters ["rclone" "delete" "\\\\server\\BACKUP\\old" "--min-age" "1h" "--dry-run" "-vv"]

So that looks right to me as those files are older than 1 hour. Is that what you were expecting?

unfortunately no, there are files of 14h05m44s: /

14 hours is older than 1 hours as you specified.

  --min-age Duration                             Only transfer files older than this in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y (default off)

What are you trying to do?

I would like in this example to automatically delete files created more than an hour ago

That looks right based on the output. Is there a file that is missing from there that you’d expect?

rclone ls and share the output.

so I do not understand.
this script is executed at: 14h56m56s

there are files with 2 different date which corresponds to my backup date:
_9h59m46s (about 5H)
_14h05m44s (about 1 minute)

it should only have files dating from 9h59m46s that should be concerned no?

As I asked, can you please run a rclone ls on that file and share that output?

Also, you have an old version. Can you update to the latest stable as I’m testing on that as well as you have 1.43

voici un rclone ls

   143272 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/IDENTIFIANTS.FIC
   629228 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/INFOS_LISTE.FIC
   230431 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/INFOS_LISTE.ndx
     2668 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/LICENCES.FIC
    26138 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/LICENCES.ndx
  2737091 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/SYNCHRONISATIONS.FIC
  2737091 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/SYNCHRONISATIONS_INFOS.FIC
    82168 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/TRAITEMENTS.FIC
    74988 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/TRAITEMENTS.ndx
   143272 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/IDENTIFIANTS.FIC
   629228 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/INFOS_LISTE.FIC
   230431 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/INFOS_LISTE.ndx
     2668 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/LICENCES.FIC
    26138 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/LICENCES.ndx
  2737091 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/SYNCHRONISATIONS_INFOS.FIC
    82168 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/TRAITEMENTS.FIC
    74988 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/TRAITEMENTS.ndx
      288 14-03-2019  9h59m46s/Mise à jour/C-AGENT - MiseAJour - Compte-rendu.TXT
      288 14-03-2019 14h05m44s/Mise à jour/C-AGENT - MiseAJour - Compte-rendu.TXT

I think I understood, the folder14-03-2019 14h05m44s corresponds to the moment of my backup, and therefore when moving these files.
my last date of changes to my files is 14/03/2019 09h59m that’s why my filter is not good.

I should be able to indicate that I want to keep the last 3 folderfor example …

or -well change the date of each file moved with the option --backup-dir

no one was faced with this problem?

If you are looking for a new feature, you can always open up an issue on the github as a feature request.

If your goal is to make backups and versions and such, perhaps try https://restic.net/ or something along those lines that handles backup and such much better.

ok !
many thanks

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