Make rclone to discover the dir and cache it

can I make rclone to discover the dir and cache it so when i use h5ai it won't lag?

i am current using these to mount --umask=0000 --default-permissions --allow-non-empty --allow-other --transfers=4 --buffer-size=32m --low-level-retries=200 --dir-cache-time=10m --vfs-read-chunk-size=32M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit=1G

transfers does nothing on a mount.

allow-non-empty is a bad one to use as that allows you to overmount stuff and hides things.

You are only caching the directories for 10 minutes.

What version are you using?
Can you mount with -vv and share the log and explain what you mean by lag?

I am using the latest version. I will try the -vv in a few hours. By lag i mean that it really long to load the directory with the web directory Lister. I just wonder if there a way to somehow make rclone discover the directory before i decide to open it.

Each time 10 minutes goes by, you'd have to refresh the whole thing so you can always make that much longer like 96 hour or something quite large.

I use a rc command run a refresh when I start it up so my cache is there.

rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true

How would i put it into the rclone linux command

I run my mount with --rc on it and that is the exact command I run.

rclone mount --rc vfs/refresh gdrive: root/file recursive=true --umask=0000 --default-permissions --allow-non-empty --allow-other --transfers=4 --buffer-size=32m --low-level-retries=200 --dir-cache-time=10m --vfs-read-chunk-size=32M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit=1G

Sorry as I wasn't clear. The mount command needs a --rc added to it. I removed all the fluff from your mount that doesn't work and changed the cache-time to something larger.

rclone mount gdrive:  /mountpoint --umask=0000 --default-permissions --allow-other  --buffer-size=32m --dir-cache-time=96h --rc

Once the drive is mounted, you can run:

rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true

from the same machine the mount is running and that builds the directory / file cache in memory.

what if i am running multiple mounts? would that work too?
Thanks alot for clarifying that.

Each mount requires a unique --rc port to run and you'd pass the port to the command if you had many mounts.

The refresh really isn't that much required to be honest, but it saves some time on startup. Once you walk the file system, it will stay cached for 96 hours barring any polling changes or updates to it.

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