Loading plex fast

Good afternoon everybody
Im new to this group and just looking for some advice.

I have google drive with 800TB of movies and tv series i have been adding them to plex using R clone but its taken for ever and hitting api all the time. Is there script to speed this up i have been told it can be done instantly so looking for the right direction thank you all in advance for your time

There isn't any magic to scanning a library.

Since you gave very little details, it's hard to offer much advice other than you have to wait out that first scan.

Is there anyways to speed the process up populating cats or is there away to use a built server back up to load it

:grin: Sorry for not to much information

There isn't any magic as I noted above.

You scan local or wait.

Ok thank you for your help

Is there away to clone my tv shows directly to another Gdrive to spread api calls so basically can have movie gdrive and tv show one

Plex/Emby scan sequentially so spreading it out would not matter.

hello and welcome to the forum,

when i need jellyfin to scan my media folder, i run this command first.
this will pre-cache the directory and filenames on the local machine.
then when jellyfin scan for new media, the scan run fast.
rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true

to get a quality answer, when you posted, there was a template of question.
as you are new to the forum, i have re-posted them for you.

Please show the effort you've put in to solving the problem and please be specific -- people are volunteering their time to help you! Low effort posts are not likely to get good answers! DO NOT REDACT any information except passwords/keys/personal info. You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable. Or use a service such as https://pastebin.com or https://gist.github.com/

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

STOP and READ: Are you on the latest version of rclone? You can validate by checking the version listed here: https://rclone.org/downloads/

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable.

Paste command here

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable.

Paste config here

A log from the command with the -vv flag

You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable. Or use a service such as https://pastebin.com or https://gist.github.com/

Paste  log here

Sorry im using fusemount one mate

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