Limiting move of files

Hi. Thx for this fantastic software
Is there any way to limit the amount/size of files transfered with the command move?
The flag --max-transfer doesn´t have any effect with move for me

Thx in advance

The flag is:

 --max-size SizeSuffix                  Only transfer files smaller than this in k or suffix b|k|M|G (default off)

Best to use the help and support template.

Sorry if I didn´t explain correctly. I want to limit the total transfer, no the size of individual files.
Like I said, the flag --max-transfer semms to not work with the command move


not sure what that means?

  • to limit the total number of files transferred
  • to limit the total size of all files transferred

perhaps this is what you want.

I want to limit the total size of all files.
Like I said, the "max-transfer" flag is not working for me.
This is my command

/storage/.config/rclone/rclone move vo10: vo: --progress --drive-server-side-across-configs --drive-service-account-file /storage/.config/rclone/accounts/143.js
on --max-transfer 72M --drive-stop-on-upload-limit --fast-list --tpslimit 2 --delete-empty-src-dirs

and this is the output in rclone before I cancelled the process:

Transferred:             0 / 17.426 TBytes, 0%, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Checks:                47 / 51, 92%
Renamed:               47
Transferred:            0 / 4157, 0%
Elapsed time:        40.7s

Thx and sorry for my bad english

if you want a max transfer of 72M, then there is no need for this flag, so perhaps remove it and test

perhaps --max-transfer does not work with --drive-server-side-across-configs

when you first posted, there was a template of questions,
you need to provide that information.
need a debug log...

And how can I set a limit?
The output says that I´m renaming, but I´m moving files from one TD to another

when you first posted, there was a template of questions, you need to provide that information.

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Flag max-transfer don´t work with the command move

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.54.0

  • os/arch: windows/amd64
  • go version: go1.15.7

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

windows 10 64

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone move vo10: vo: --progress --drive-server-side-across-configs --drive-service-account-file c:\c\152.json --max-transfer 10G -vv

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id = xxxxxxx
client_secret = pG_xxxxxxx
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"xxxxxxxxx","expiry":"2021-02-05T18:51:01.295818991+01:00"}
team_drive = xxxxx-xxxxx

type = drive
client_id = xxxxxx
client_secret = pG_xxxxxxxx
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"xxxxxxxxx","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"1/xxxxxxxx","expiry":"2021-02-05T18:05:10.269928192+01:00"}
team_drive = xxxxxx
root_folder_id = 

#### A log from the command with the `-vv` flag

--max-size is per file

seems to be working
Moved (server-side)

sorry, i made a mistake with the command. Now is updated

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