Limit 750GB Gdrive

How can you bypass this 750GB limit so you can actually upload more?
My friend got a huge library and wants to upload his stuff, but I dont have so much storage and I would like to have everything in Google drive. Thats why I want to use a method to upload more then 750Gb aday.

I have seen that I should use multiple email accountants for this and that I should use the command --drive-impersonate.
But I have no idea where to use the command or how to implement this.

Can somebody help me out?

A stupid way of abusing Googles services .

No I wont help, sorry .

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Yes, the limit is 750 GB. On YouTube (Linus tech tips) upload on video and he found if you pay gsuite and use more one acount, in each acount you can upload 750 GB / Day.

In my opinion in the future Google wont allow do this.

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