LayerOnline Kicked from DropBox

Did someone get refund yet?

good that there are many options to choose from, in price and features.
tho, your reddit, "Wasabi increased prices 16%" , has me more concerned than when i first read about it.

on the wasabi side, does not charge for api calls or downloads.
in addition, has very good s3 support for features i must have such as SSE, IAM/bucket polices, session tokens, and compliance.

there is a legit way to reduce the shenanigans to 30 days.
if you upload veeam backup files, then contact wasabi, they will change the retention period to 30 days, for all files in the account, not limited to just veeam backup files.

this is from a billing statement.

me too.

fwiw, i combine the following three items into a low cost cloud backup storage:

  • wasabi for fast storage for recent backups.
    great for next level disaster recovery using rclone mount + veeam instant restore.
  • move older backups from wasabi to aws s3 deep glacier at just $1.00/TiB/Month.
    tho the shenanigan period is 180 days.
  • cheap aws EC2 vm to run rclone.