Large file upload to backblaze failed?

It will yes.

Note this from the log - if your upload is bigger than 937GB then you will need to increase --b2-chunk-size . This isn't the problem you are having yet though!

B2 files can be at most 10,000 parts so if you want to upload a 1.8TiB file then you'll need a chunk size of at least 188M (rclone uses MiB) - say 200M to be on the safe size. Note that rclone buffers these chunks in memory.

Hmm, this looks rather like this problem:

Which was fixed years ago, but it has the same symptoms.

A "tls: use of closed connection" is outside of rclone's control it must be a problem in the go standard library.

I can't do anything directly about that - it is probably a bug in the go standard library.

I had a look through the bugs and issues and I don't see a fix for that.

I've made a workaround here which retries that error instead of treating it as a fatal error. Can you give that a go? (uploaded in 15-30 mins)