Things have gotten much worse since yesterday. It looks like rclone replaced many of the special characters (e.g. / and .) with different characters, both on the source and destination, which completely screws up my iTunes system. Moreover, where there were special characters that rclone apparently couldn't deal with (e.g., å) it for some reason deleted all of the files inside those folders, both on the source and the destination.
What did you run? Rclone doesn't touch the source so that doesn't make sense.
That doesn't make sense either, what did you run?
It's always best when to start with small samples and validate things are working before going big bang as unicode between systems is generally problematic as it's not a rclone or rsync type issue as it's really an OS thing.
I ran rclone copy -vP --stats=10s /Volumes/usbshare1-2/Music/ /Volumes/Public/Music
All I know is that the files in those folders with foreign characters were there before I ran the command, and they are not there today. Only folders with foreign special characters were effected. Also, folders like "R.E.M." have all been changed to "R.E.M_"
Maybe I'm an idiot. Folders like "R.E.M." may always have been "R.E.M_" by default. So I think I'm wrong about that. the missing files things still makes no sense though.
What do you mean by missing files? copy isn't going to delete anything on the destination either, it's going to only append things so if you had directories with files in them and something went 'wrong', it would have two copies of something in there with different characters in it and it would not delete anything.
sync would delete on the destination as it matches source and destination.
move would delete from source and it would be at the destination.
Here's an example: I have a folder called José González. All of the files in that folder, e.g., albums, are now gone since I ran rclone and rsync yesterday. This is true of every folder with similar kinds of foreign characters.
you keep mentioning rclone and rsync at the same times in the same sentences.
how do you know if rclone and not rsync was responsible for the vanished files?
you should create a test folder, with a couple of test files.
run some tests with debug logs.
Update: it seems that the problem was not rclone (as many of you suggested). The problem, apparently, was that I was trying to copy files from my external hard drive, which I had directly attached to the NAS. I had both mounted on my mac. When I instead attached my external hard drive directly to my mac and copied from that mounted drive to the NAS, it works fine. No problems with special characters, and the files that appeared to have disappeared while the hard drive was connected to the NAS are back when it's directly connected to my Mac.