Is there an option to download files with temporary names and then rename in a moment to their real name when download fully completed?

Is there an option to download files with temporary names and then rename in a moment to their real name when download fully completed?

Now if I do rclone -sync, I see by pressing Ctrl+R in Midnight Commander that files size increasing during download (sync from Google drive to local folder) and thus my another program mistakenly thinks that file already “appeared” (fully downloaded), but it’s not true…

Or maybe some notification (callback of script?) can be used to indicate that download fully completed?

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There isn’t at the moment no. However it is a good idea and it is something rsync does unless you use the --partial flag. I’d want to implement it as a new flag in rclone because it will only work with remotes which support server side move or server side copy which isn’t all of them.

Can you please make a new issue on github so we can record this!

Hmm, you could parse the logs which isn’t ideal…