Is there a bug in rclone 1.4.5 with ftp?

Using rclone v1.45 on Mac OS X Mojave.

If I run the following command (non-interactive config):

rclone config create name ftp host hostname user username pass password

The output is:

type = ftp
config_automatic = yes
host = hostname
user = username
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***

But an “rclone config show” reveals the password has not been obscured:

type = ftp
config_automatic = yes
host = hostname
user = username
pass = password

I’ve also tried config using flags instead of key value pairs:

rclone config create name ftp --ftp-host hostname --ftp-user username --ftp-pass password

And “rclone config show” gives:

type = ftp
config_automatic = yes

Interactive ftp config is working fine, but I’m trying to setup non-interactive use of rclone.


I ran through that same thing on my Mac and I get:

type = ftp
host =
user = testuser
pass = KqFOzn97UyGEXBueqNZYMre1lY4-pu-HOBGxIw

with my rclone config show

textere@seraph:~ rclone version
rclone v1.45
- os/arch: darwin/amd64
- go version: go1.11.2

When I repeat with your non interactive setup, I get the same bug:

type = ftp
config_automatic = yes
host = hostname
user = username
pass = password

I’d just file a bug on github with the issue as it’s easily reproducible.

You’ll need to use rclone obscure to turn a plaintext password into an encrypted one.