I love rclone ncdu, but you know what would be a cool new sort mode? size divided by count

I love rclone ncdu, but you know what would be a cool new sort mode? size divided by count.

That's basically it. That would then let you sort by average filesize within a folder. I keep finding myself wanting to find where I can spend the least amount of my human time looking at something to gain the largest amount of disk space. I used to think sorting by size was good enough, then I found a folder with 2000 files in it, next to a folder with 10 files in it. Both of them essentially right next to each other on any du scan when sorted by size.

Interesting idea. I use rclone ncdu like this a lot!

This would be reasonably easy to implement - do you want to have a go?

I don't really understand code at all. I just compiled source code from a github release for the first time ever today. Not code I understood, just a project that only released it's releases as source code packages. Aka not only do I not understand the code, before today I didn't even know how to compile code someone else gave me.

:slight_smile: Next best step would be to make an issue on GitHub and we can see if we can find someone to do it (or maybe I will!).

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