I have commmand working for gdrive to mega but not working for gadrive to gdrive. Why?

Hey I am using this command----

rclone copy --drive-root-folder-id 'Folder-id' gd: mj1:Gate23 -v

Here mj1 is my mega storage and gd is my gdrive storage.
And working perfectly as it is copying folder and files from that root folder id.

But when i apply this command----

rclone copy --drive-root-folder-id 'Folder-Id' gd: td1:Gate23 -v

td1 and gd both are gdrive.
It gives error and can't copy. You can see error in screeshot provided below.


2020/04/05 06:34:29 INFO : Google drive root 'Gate23': Waiting for checks to finish 2020/04/05 06:34:29 INFO : Google drive root 'Gate23': Waiting for transfers to finish 2020/04/05 06:34:29 ERROR : ESE Reforms publicity.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to make directory: googleapi: Error 403: Forbidden, forbidden 2020/04/05 06:34:32 ERROR : Multiple choice questions - Semiconductors.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to make directory: googleapi: Error 403: Forbidden, forbidden 2020/04/05 06:34:39 ERROR : Mathematics/Advanced Test.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to make directory: googleapi: Error 403: Forbidden, forbidden 2020/04/05 06:34:41 ERROR : GATE_BY_RK_Kanodia.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to make directory: googleapi: Error 403: Forbidden, forbidden

This is saying that rclone does not have permissions to make directories on td1:Gate23 does that seem likely?

It has permission btw...
When i remove the flag...it just went well..but i need to copy just the one folder.

And there is two folder of same name so i have to use include flag and don't seems to be working.

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