I couldn't mount crypt remote any way

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I was able to mount the remote that I created for the drive to my folder without receiving any errors, but I tried to mount the crypt remote in different ways but it still did not work.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone 1.66.0

  • os/version: nixos 24.05 (Uakari) (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 6.6.52 (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.22.6
  • go/linking: dynamic
  • go/tags: cmount

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt --daemon

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive = 

type = crypt
remote = gdrive:encrypt
password = XXX
password2 = XXX

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

ERROR : Daemon timed out. Failed to terminate daemon pid 40113: os: process already finished
Fatal error: daemon exited with error code 1

welcome to the forum,

that is an old version of rclone, can run rclone selfupdate

and need to use a rclone debug log, so you can what rclone is doing.

When I use rclone selfupdate command I get the following output

Error: updating would discard the mount FUSE capability, aborting

I tried it on Fedora and even when it was on the latest version, I was still getting the error in the topic.

just uninstall this rclone and download the latest directly from rclone website.

Then try again:

rclone mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt --vv

and post output - top 30-40 lines will be enough

I switched nixos to unstable. now rclone version is like this
rclone 1.68.1

  • os/version: nixos 24.11 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 6.6.52 (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.22.7
  • go/linking: dynamic
  • go/tags: cmount

I remounted the gdrive remote like this
rclone -vv mount gdrive: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive -daemon

rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt

all output is like this

2024/10/02 11:29:44 DEBUG : rclone: Version "1.68.1" starting with parameters ["/run/current-system/sw/bin/rcl
one" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt"]
2024/10/02 11:29:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
2024/10/02 11:29:44 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2024/10/02 11:29:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
2024/10/02 11:29:45 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = 0AK1deGmFvKn0Uk9PVA' - save this in
the config to speed up startup
2024/10/02 11:29:46 DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'gdrive-encrypted:': Mounting on "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encryp
2024/10/02 11:29:46 mount helper error: fusermount3: failed to access mountpoint /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/enc
rypt: Permission denied
2024/10/02 11:29:46 CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

fuse n fuse3 already installed.

You have no right to mount anything at given path. Try as sudo or refer to your OS documentation. In Nixos AFAIK you might have to change its configuration. Or maybe some other Nixos users here can give you some hints.

sudo rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt

2024/10/02 12:11:44 DEBUG : rclone: ​​Version "1.68.1" starting with parameters ["/run/current-system /sw/bin/rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt"]
2024/10/02 12:11:44 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote " gdrive-encrypted:"
2024/10/02 12:11:44 NOTICE: Config file "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" not found - using defaults
2024/10/02 12:11:44 CRITICAL: Failed to create file system for "gdrive-encrypted:": didn't find section in config file

As I said before, I tried it on fedora and arch and got the same error. What I did wrong must be something else, not system-based

If you don't do things right then changing OS is not going to help:)

Nothing was run as you do not have rclone config file accessible by root.

Either create config file as root or provide its path explicitly using --config flag

sudo rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt --config /home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

2024/10/02 12:31:15 DEBUG : rclone: Version "1.68.1" starting with parameters ["/run/current-system/sw/bin/rcl
one" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt" "--config" "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclo
2024/10/02 12:31:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
2024/10/02 12:31:15 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2024/10/02 12:31:15 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
2024/10/02 12:31:16 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = myrootid' - save this in
the config to speed up startup
2024/10/02 12:31:17 CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: cannot open: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/enc
rypt: open /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypt: permission denied

Then it is something specific to your OS. It is not rclone problem. Nixos has its peculiarities. Google for solution, e.g. I can see that this topic is not uncommon:

Or seek help on your OS forums.

I have never used this OS so I have no clue. Maybe others can shed some light on this. But again it is more OS problem than rclone.

I'm on arch linux. I wish you were right.
rclone v1.68.0

  • os/version: arch (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 6.11.1-arch1-1 (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux - os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.23.1
  • go/linking: dynamic
  • go/tags: none

I created a new remote > gave name gdrive > wrote the gdrive number > entered the client id and client secret numbers I got from the google API page > full access > empty > no to adv conf > authenticate with my accaount > no to shared drive > keep remote.

Then I created a drive folder in my documents directory and rclone -vv mount gdrive: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive --daemon gdrive-encrypted > crypt > encrypt file n directory names > enter my passwords include salt > no to adv conf > keep remote.

rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive

DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = myrootid' - save this in the config to speed up startup
CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: directory already mounted, use --allow-non-empty to mount anyway: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive

rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte

DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = myrootid' - save this in the config to speed up startup
DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'gdrive-encrypted:': Mounting on "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte"
mount helper error: fusermount3: failed to access mountpoint /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte: Permission denied
CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte --config /home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte" "--config" "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = myrootid' - save this in the config to speed up startup
DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'gdrive-encrypted:': Mounting on "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte"
mount helper error: fusermount3: failed to access mountpoint /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/encrypte: Permission denied
CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive

DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = myrootid' - save this in the config to speed up startup
CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: directory already mounted, use --allow-non-empty to mount anyway: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive

rclone -vv mount gdrive-encrypted: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive --allow-non-empty

DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive-encrypted:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive" "--allow-non-empty"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive-encrypted:"
DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:encrypt"
DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypt': 'root_folder_id = myrootid' - save this in the config to speed up startup
DEBUG : Encrypted drive 'gdrive-encrypted:': Mounting on "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive"
mount helper error: fusermount3: failed to access mountpoint /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive: Permission denied
CRITICAL: Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

Without the commands, what are you trying to accomplish? Looks like you are over mounting things already mounted which is generally not a great idea.

That means something is in there as it's expecting an empty directory to mount into.

This means the user doesn't have access to the folder it is trying to mount to.

Normally, you'd have something like:


or maybe

/home/hajiwek/drive/basedrive - non encrypted mount
/home/hajiwek/drive/encrypted - crypt mount

You really don't want to overmount as things get hidden and extremely confusing.

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I don't understand what you mean by 'without commands'.

The main thing I want to do is to make the /home/hajiwek/drive directory unencrypted, and transfer the files I want to encrypt into the /home/hajiwek/drive/encrypted directory.

Yeah, that's called over mounting and is very unwise because you are taking one mount point and hiding stuff underneath it with another.

That's why I gave a few examples of not doing that.

You want to mount to in two distcint locations and not one on top of the other.

I think I'm cursed. I wanted to do what you said. I was going to mount it into two separate folders on gdrive. I can't even mount the gdrive remote anymore.

rclone -vv mount gdrive: /home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/base --daemon

DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.68.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "mount" "gdrive:" "/home/hajiwek/Documents/drive/base" "--daemon"]
DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive:"
DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/hajiwek/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
DEBUG : Google drive root '': 'root_folder_id = 0AK1deGmFvKn0Uk9PVA' - save this in the config to speed up startup
ERROR : Daemon timed out. Failed to terminate daemon pid 3137: os: process already finished
CRITICAL: Fatal error: daemon exited with error code 1

Don't use daemon as it's hiding the actual error message.

You experimented with sudo. Maybe your dirs are now not accessible by your user. Delete all of them and start fresh.

no no no. I marked the solution. Thank you very much for everyone's interest and trouble.

I have some additional questions:

  • I created the folder structure as in the solution but it did not feel efficient enough, can you provide other templates for the folder structure?

  • After I started researching rclone, I also saw rsync, so it came to my mind, when we use rclone by itself, does it synchronize the changed files or does it delete the old ones and upload the new ones?

  • I do not want rclone to run all the time, what is the practical way to manually open and close the service?

Not sure what you mean but not efficient enough. You can create whatever structure you like. But do not mount things inside another mount.

It does what you tell it to do. Read about rclone move, rclone copy, rclone sync

On Linux use systemd to start/stop serviced you need, including rclone mount. You can find ample examples on this forum and google

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