I can't browse my google drive content

I can't browse my remote " Google Drive "
I used this command:
rclone lsd myremote:/
It doesn't appear anything but " Shared with me".
I need to show my content in Google Drive.
I've used to use that command but I don't know what happened.
This screenshot claims:
and this screenshots when appeared Shared Drive with me
Need Help
I also failed to copy any file from my Google Drive to my another Google Drive!!

rclone lsd is supposed to be listing only directories: https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_lsd/

do you have any folders on your Google Drive that you are not seeing listed in that output?

if not, maybe you'd like to list files, as well?
if so, check out rclone ls and variants: https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_ls/

It dosen't appear only shared with me.
My files didn't appear anyway.
Should I leave root id empty?

I am not familiar with Google Drive, but you might have misconfigured it.
why don't you try again? you can follow along the guide, here:

in order for others to help you, you could also try and write here your configuration file, removing user/password/secrets.

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