HTTP Directories with & (%26) getting blown away by sync

I’m currently trying to sync an HTTP site and it’s blowing away any subdirectories that contain & in their name. Links contain the url encoded text, so “Dungeons & Dragons” is listed as “Dungeons%20%26%20Dragons” in any hrefs.

I’ve tried this on latest beta of rclone, as well, and get the same results:

D:\Google Drive\Books - RPG> .\rclone-v1.39-138-gff6a7142-windows-amd64\rclone.exe -v sync rpg:"Dungeons & Dragons" "\Dungeons & Dragons"
2018/02/14 01:59:02 INFO  : Local file system at \\?\D:\Google Drive\Books - RPG\\Dungeons & Dragons: Modify window is 1s
2018/02/14 01:59:02 INFO  : Local file system at \\?\D:\Google Drive\Books - RPG\\Dungeons & Dragons: Waiting for checks to finish
2018/02/14 01:59:02 INFO  : Local file system at \\?\D:\Google Drive\Books - RPG\\Dungeons & Dragons: Waiting for transfers to finish
2018/02/14 01:59:02 INFO  : Waiting for deletions to finish
2018/02/14 01:59:02 INFO  :
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:       800ms

For reference, the URL is

FWIW, wget doesn’t seem to have this issue, so I’m thinking this is either a bug or there is some setting or option I’m missing.

I think it is a bug…

Can you please make a new issue on github

Actually don’t bother with an issue - I figured out the problem!

Here is a fix (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

I will try out this beta later this evening, thanks!

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Yeah, seems to be working. Thanks!

Great - thanks for testing :slight_smile: