How to unmount and remount Google shared drives on Ultraseedbox

If you didn't run anything like 'rclone mount' or any of the systemd commands, you most likely have nothing mounted.

You'd need go through their wiki on the Running Rclone Mount to get a mount going on their seedbox.

Yes I do have everything mounted I been streaming for weeks.
I dont use syetmMD I use the VFS since that is set up for streaming.
OK so I need to shut down Rclone so I can upgrade. So far the commands above did not shut down Rclone.
Then I have to go in unmount my drives and then remount them.
But at the moment all I want to do is shut down Rclone so I can update I dont get why its so hard to do.

It has little to do with rclone as you are really asking a Linux admin question.

You said you used the link you shared with installation and usage and that has no mount command there.

The mount command is listed in the systemd area on their seedboxes but you've said you haven't used that.

I can't tell you how to umount it because you aren't sure how you executed a command to mount it. If you can give some details or recall what you typed in to mount it, I can help you to unmount it.

For me, I use systemd so to mount I personall use:

systemctl start rclone
systemctl stop rclone

I'm on my on Linux server and have full access so I don't use any of the --user for systemd.

I have 3 mounts. I have been streaming for weeks. How could I be streaming without a mount?
Also no you asked me how did I install Rclone that was all.
I was told you cant do systemD with Plex it takes longer to run things and do things vs the FS.
I used this which is the next step in the process.

That you just gave says access denied

I've been running Plex with rclone with systemd for multiple years as I've never heard that before.

Words sometimes get mistaken as we mean different things.

I did not ask how you installed rclone as I asked how you are running your mount.

For those 3 mounts, what do you type in to start them if you aren't using systemd?

as per the docs, it is recommened to use systemd for rclone plex streaming

" In these systemd files, these are for Google Drive and is the recommended settings for our slots (Plex Streaming)
You may wish to add or edit additional flags/options that will be best for your setup.
We recommend starting off with our defaults first."

It says Google Drive Rclone Mount for Media Streaming

wget -P ~/.config/systemd/user/ && nano ~/.config/systemd/user/rclone-vfs.service

That is VFS so thats what I installed.

I did all this

  • Reload systemd Daemon by doing systemctl --user daemon-reload . You will do this every time you change something in your system files.
  • After that enable and start the service that we added immediately by doing systemctl --user enable --now rclone-vfs.service
    • enable --now will run the rclone mount service and will keep it alive. It also automatically starts during server restarts and rclone crashes.
  • To check if your service is running, do systemctl --user status rclone-vfs.service . It should have both loaded and active (running), noting that the rclone mount is executed and running.
  • Then, to check if your mount is actually mounted to the folder properly, do ls Mount . Your files from your cloud storage account should show up.

To stop:

systemctl --user stop rclone-vfs.service

To start:

systemctl --user start rclone-vfs.service

To restart:

systemctl --user restart rclone-vfs.service

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