How to move folder and files in TD

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Im trying to work out how I can rename or move content on a TD so it becomes : Movies atm it is : td-movies/Media/Movies/content with folder and files

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.61.1

  • os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 5.4.0-121-generic (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.19.4
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = drive
client_id =
client_secret = xxxx
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"xxxx","expiry":"2023-01-26T16:42:44.018703938+01:00"}
team_drive = xxxx
root_folder_id = 

I'll try to explain how this should look like :

Right now his setup is like : td-movies/Media/Movies/Releases
how can we do it so it becomes : Movies/Releases

How you get what I mean :slight_smile:

not sure wihch remote you are writing about, so let's assume teamdrive-movies

could try
rclone move teamdrive-movies:td-movies/Media/Movies/Releases teamdrive-movies:Movies/Releases --dry-run -vv

tho to play it safe, as a test, i could copy a single file.
rclone copy teamdrive-movies:td-movies/Media/Movies/Releases/filenaname.ext teamdrive-movies:Movies/Releases -vv --dry-run
note: change filenaname.ext to match a real filename.

Thanks, do I need to create the "Movies" folder first or does the rclone copy do that?

rclone create the folders

note: with --dry-run, rclone will not actually copy the file, will just display what rclone would do.
so run that rclone copy command, and post the full output.
based on that, we can go the next step.

rclone copy teamdrive-movies:td-movies/Media/Movies/'(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]' teamdrive-movies:Movies -vv --dry-run

2023/01/26 17:02:26 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.61.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "teamdrive-movies:td-movies/Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]" "teamdrive-movies:Movies" "-vv" "--dry-run"]
2023/01/26 17:02:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "teamdrive-movies:td-movies/Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]"
2023/01/26 17:02:26 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/xxxx/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2023/01/26 17:02:26 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "teamdrive-movies:Movies"
2023/01/26 17:02:27 ERROR : Google drive root 'td-movies/Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]': error reading source root directory: directory not found
2023/01/26 17:02:27 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies': Waiting for checks to finish
2023/01/26 17:02:27 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies': Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/01/26 17:02:27 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found
2023/01/26 17:02:28 ERROR : Google drive root 'td-movies/Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]': error reading source root directory: directory not found
2023/01/26 17:02:28 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies': Waiting for checks to finish
2023/01/26 17:02:28 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies': Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/01/26 17:02:28 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found
2023/01/26 17:02:28 ERROR : Google drive root 'td-movies/Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]': error reading source root directory: directory not found
2023/01/26 17:02:28 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies': Waiting for checks to finish
2023/01/26 17:02:28 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies': Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/01/26 17:02:28 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found
2023/01/26 17:02:28 NOTICE:
Transferred:              0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors:                 1 (retrying may help)
Elapsed time:         2.3s

2023/01/26 17:02:28 DEBUG : 6 go routines active
2023/01/26 17:02:28 Failed to copy: directory not found

error reading source root directory: directory not found
need to fix that,

and after that, then need to specify the dest dir, something like
rclone copy 'teamdrive-movies:td-movies/Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]' 'teamdrive-movies:Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]' -vv --dry-run

Think this worked

rclone copy teamdrive-movies:Media/Movies/'(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]' teamdrive-movies:Movies/'(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]' -vv --dry-run

2023/01/26 17:12:49 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.61.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "teamdrive-movies:Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]" "teamdrive-movies:Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]" "-vv" "--dry-run"]
2023/01/26 17:12:49 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "teamdrive-movies:Media/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]"
2023/01/26 17:12:49 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/xxxx/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2023/01/26 17:12:51 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "teamdrive-movies:Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]"
2023/01/26 17:12:52 NOTICE: (500) Days of Summer (2009).mkv: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 28.384Gi)
2023/01/26 17:12:52 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]': Waiting for checks to finish
2023/01/26 17:12:52 NOTICE: (500) Days of Summer (2009).nfo: Skipped copy as --dry-run is set (size 1.671Ki)
2023/01/26 17:12:52 DEBUG : Google drive root 'Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) [imdb:tt1022603] [tmdb:19913]': Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/01/26 17:12:52 NOTICE:
Transferred:       28.384 GiB / 28.384 GiB, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred:            2 / 2, 100%
Elapsed time:         2.9s

2023/01/26 17:12:52 DEBUG : 7 go routines active

in your original post, you wanted Movies/Releases but your commands are not using Releases?

the command output looks good.

remove --dry-run, run the command again.

Worked :slight_smile:

Can I do : rclone copy teamdrive-movies:Media/Movies/* teamdrive-movies:Movies/ -vv

To copy all at once ?

My Releases was to indicate that the source folder is there :slight_smile:

need to remove * as rclone will copy all the dir/files.

If you aren't using encryption, why not just use the WebUI and just drag/drop rather than doing CLI?

It's rclone webgui you are talking about right?

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