Help me please with rclone

i am not going to remote into your computer.

Okay Il try see if can get done

God knows what I'm doing wrong

since i am not god, you are going to have explain what you have done so far.

I have rclone on my laptop I try and run the config but nothing happens

you will have to explain more that just nothing happens

say rclone is not recognized as an internal or external command

Tells me this when I run config in cmd

you have to download and unzip a file from from

I download it yes but I can't find where it tell me to unzip it

using windows explorer, right mouse click the .zip file and extract all

I have extracted

open a command prompt, cd to the extracted folder, run rclone config

Let me delete this and retry

Wow this is soo hard

Hi I manage to go the config part

rclone.exe is command line program. You can control it with cmd (Command Prompt) or Power Shell. To use it you should navigate to its location in cmd. You can navigate using cd command in cmd. E.g.: "cd C:\rclone". You can also get it navigated automatically by typing cmd in rclone folder where rclone.exe resides (Windows Explorer address bar). To run rclone.exe from anywhere you should add full directory (location) to the rclone folder to PATH environment variable. For e.g.: "C:\rclone". Add next to to "User variables" if you want to use it only with current Windows user. Add next to "System variables" if you want to use it with all Windows users on your machine. Rclone folder must be unzipped so all executable files can be run. It is zipped only for distribution as a single small file. I gave a lot of very basic information. It should be enough for you to connect the dots ant at least run "rclone --version" command in cmd and starting experimenting with it.

Then read the documentation on Starting from the remote, that you want to add to rclone. In this case it is Google Drive:

I've done this bit now want to mount it to emby

Make sure you've successfully added your gdrive: remote to rclone.

You need that information: It seems that you probably won't understand most of that information. Basically you must install WinFsp ( so the mounts works on Windows. Then you can mount with appropiate rclone command. The most simple would be: "rclone mount gdrive: X:". X: is the letter you want to assign for your mount. There are better mount commands for your purposes with more additional flags. You can read about those flags in "rclone mount" command documentation. Of your most interest probably will be "--vfs-cache-mode full" flag which enables local file caching. So the final command would be: "rclone mount gdrive: X: --vfs-cache-mode full". If you want more, than you should really try reading all that rclone documentation yourself and trying to comprehend it.

  1. what is the name of your remote?
    do rclone listremotes and post the output

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