Help me mounting dropbx into googel colab

i tried mounting dropbox into googel colab .. but no data is showing .

better to post the copy and paste the text itself into the post, not hard to read screenshots, ok?

what is the output of ls /content/Dropbox?

Current remotes:

Name Type
==== ====
Dropbox dropbox

no output

what is the output of rclone ls Dropbox:

ls: cannot access '/content/dropbox:': No such file or directory

run this rclone ls Dropbox: -vv, copy and paste the output from the command line into a post.

E:\hkb\brave\rclone-v1.53.3-windows-amd64>ls /content/dropbox
'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

E:\hkb\brave\rclone-v1.53.3-windows-amd64>rclone ls dropbox: -vv
2020/12/25 23:50:18 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.53.3" starting with parameters [
"rclone" "ls" "dropbox:" "-vv"]
2020/12/25 23:50:18 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\Users\pc\.config\rclo
2020/12/25 23:50:18 Failed to create file system for "dropbox:": didn't find sec
tion in config file


can you copy and paste the command and output from the terminal.
the exact entire text.....

i am confused, as you running rclone on linux or windows?
your first post is linux and your last post is windows

and the command is rclone ls Dropbox: -vv, run that exact command

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