Help me figure out how to verify backup accuracy and completeness on S3

hello and welcome to the forum,
i use rclone to upload veeam backup files to wasabi and to move older backups from wasabi to aws deep glacier.

  • for verification of entire file, rclone uses both the Etag and MD5 stored as header x-amz-meta-md5chksum
  • for verification of each chunk transferred:
    the HTTPS protocol uses checksums

rclone relies on the aws s3 official library source code.
so on that level rclone verifies in the same ways.
try -vv --dump=headers

try rclone check laptop-backup/ aws-backup:backups-8011/laptop -vv

if you want a deeper dive into how rclone handles verification, check out:
This would then enable a bullet proof end to end upload check for multipart objects