GSuites Crypt Sharing Questions

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

More of question on Crypts. I would like to share a Team Drive on GSuites that is Crypted for a layer of security against accident access. But I also have a few questions....

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

RC 1.51.0

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

A mixture for sure, Win, Debian, Ubuntu, all to the same shares.

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

GDrive as the primary of it all with a sprinkle of SFTP.


Multiple team drives with a single layer of crypto (no salt) that are community drives for folks to have varying access too based on trust tiers. Mostly mixtures of older games, books, software, and media. If the individual shows promise of adding to the collection, they go from viewer to contributer and are able to add to it.


1. Is the password section of a crypt mount tied in anyway to that user, config, or mount? I'm confused as to whether the mount is only accessible on via the configs password after crypted (as in the one in the file not the one you type in) or if its attached the one you type in.

2. Do I need to share the exact config for crypt mount to each user? To clarify, I'm wary of sharing bits of my rclone.conf and I'm curious if the user creates there own mounts with the proper password, will have the same access.Even if the crypted "password" section looks different in the config? Please seem example Q2 for clarification.

3. If both users (1 admin / 1 Contributor) type in the same password and have access to the mount, is there any permissions variation between the two? Can the admin still delete files that the other user might have added? Does the contributor have read/write/delete access for the admin's stuff?


Example Q2:

Computer 1:
type = crypt
remote = GBooks1:
filename_encryption = standard
password = *********************lwQ

Computer 2:
type = crypt
remote = GBooks1:
filename_encryption = standard
password = *********************lRt

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