Go 1.13.7 vrsus go 1.13.7


i have a funny behaviour regarding "go" versions In Ubuntu 20.04.

If i type "rclone version" i get : go version go1.13.7
If i type "go version" i get go version go.1.14.2

Is that OK, or is there a wrong setting somewhere ?

Brg Dietmar

When you type rclone version, you are seeing the version that rclone was compiled with.

When you type go version, you are seeing the version of installed on your system.


rclone version shows ::

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.13.7

Brg Dietmar

You don't need go installed on your local machine to use rclone. The go version listed is what the rclone binary was compiled with.


Then i will not be worried anymore :slight_smile: and go ahead with go1.13.7.

Best regards

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