GDrive and Duplicate Files

Is there a way, when using move to keep the larger of the files? For example, source file is 100 MB, and the file that is already existing on the destination is 200 MB, it will keep the file that is already at the destination and delete the smaller file?

Otherwise, can I use --backup-dir like this?
rclone move /Path/to/source/ remote:A --backup-dir remote:A/Dupes

Or does it have to be like this:
rclone move /Path/to/source/ remote:A --backup-dir remote:Dupes

If I can do it like the first example could I use dedupe like this:
rclone dedupe --dedupe-mode largest remote:A

Will it compare the files in remote:A and remote:A/Dupes against each other?

P.S. I thought Google Drive can have duplicate file names, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.