Gcrpyt Mount hangs while opening folder

All right so it does not make any difference then. Thanks!

So these are the final scrips I am using then:
Mount script:

@echo off
set driveletter=E
set remotename=gcrypt
set RCport=5572

start /b rclone mount %remotename%: %driveletter%: --allow-other --attr-timeout 1000h --log-level INFO --log-file D:\rclone\logs\mount.log --buffer-size 128M --dir-cache-time 1000h --poll-interval 15s --timeout 1h --rc

::Start cache warmup
call VFSCacheWarmup.bat %driveletter% %RCport%

VFSCacheWarmup script:

@echo off
set driveletter=%1
set RCport=%2

:: Check that the folder is valid, otherwise wait until it is
echo Waiting for %driveletter%: to be ready ...

vol %driveletter%: >nul 2>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo " "| set /p dummyName=.
timeout /t 1 > nul
goto LOOP1
) else (
echo Drive %driveletter%: OK!,

echo You may use the cloud-drive normally while the cache is being warmed up
echo Awaiting completion-message from RC...
rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true --rc-addr localhost:%RCport%
echo Cache warmup for %driveletter%: OK!

Everything is ok here right ?