It does create an error as well. I’m guessing it’s a Fuse kernel bug at this point as we’ve traced it all the way back. I’ll probably tap out at that bug is from 2015 and just stick with Linux.
OK, well at least we got to the bottom of it!
I merged the fix above since it is a performance optimization for all OSes not just a work-around for FreeBSD.
I suspect that this bug is already fixed in FreeBSD head. Would you mind testing it there? If it’s still a problem, then please do open a bug at and assign it to me: .
@asomers - I can do some testing on a VM and see how things work. Just to make sure I get exactly where I am supposed to pull it from. Where would I grab the head release?
You can get the latest head release here:
I tested two things:
I ran a mediainfo against a file and that looks great.
I ran with --allow-other and that mounted and other users can see it @doubleddav - this was your issue.
@asomers - Thanks! I’ll do a bit more testing with a few other tools as I get some more time and will report any issues but definitely seems like it is working!
Great! Glad to know it’s all working for you.
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