so i installed chromium.
$ chromium --version
Chromium 129.0.6668.89 snap
tried running gphotosdl -login -debug
./gphotosdl -login -debug
2024/10/09 21:18:57 DEBUG gphotosdl version 0.0.1, commit 8d9e2562e0745b9b91a4e124798259608042ace7, built at 2024-09-26T11:51:50Z
2024/10/09 21:18:57 DEBUG Configured config config_root=/home/mano/.config/gphotosdl browser_config=/home/mano/.config/gphotosdl/browser
2024/10/09 21:18:57 DEBUG Created download directory download_directory=/tmp/gphotosdl1739549468
2024/10/09 21:18:57 DEBUG Found browser browser_path=/snap/bin/chromium
2024/10/09 21:18:57 DEBUG made browser preferences prefs="{\"download\":{\"default_directory\":\"/tmp/gphotos\"}}"
2024/10/09 21:18:57 INFO Log in to google with the browser that pops up, close it, then re-run this without the -login flag
2024/10/09 21:18:57 INFO Waiting for browser to be closed
2024/10/09 21:18:57 ERROR Browser run failed err="exit status 21"
then i tried without -login just for completeness
./gphotosdl -debug
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG gphotosdl version 0.0.1, commit 8d9e2562e0745b9b91a4e124798259608042ace7, built at 2024-09-26T11:51:50Z
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG Configured config config_root=/home/mano/.config/gphotosdl browser_config=/home/mano/.config/gphotosdl/browser
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG Created download directory download_directory=/tmp/gphotosdl322002728
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG Found browser browser_path=/snap/bin/chromium
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG made browser preferences prefs="{\"download\":{\"default_directory\":\"/tmp/gphotos\"}}"
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG [434765:434765:1009/] Failed to create /home/mano/.config/gphotosdl/browser/SingletonLock: Permission denied (13)
2024/10/09 21:19:35 DEBUG [434765:434765:1009/] Failed to create a ProcessSingleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.
2024/10/09 21:19:36 ERROR Failed to make browser err="browser launch: [launcher] Failed to get the debug url: [434765:434765:1009/] Failed to create /home/mano/.config/gphotosdl/browser/SingletonLock: Permission denied (13)\n[434765:434765:1009/] Failed to create a ProcessSingleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.\n"
I also made my own api client id, activated the google photos api and google drive api etc, basically all the recommendations.
tested with rclone lsd gfotos:album
and it works fine
tried to do a
rclone copy -vvP --transfers 2 --gphotos-proxy "http://localhost:8282" gfotos:media/by-year/ /home/mano/someFolder/ --fast-list
but i can't get a single file through, with the output something like
2024/10/09 21:39:45 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 2/10 (error Get "http://localhost:8282/id/xxxxxxxxxx": dial tcp connect: connection refused)
2024/10/09 21:39:45 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 8.372009929s
2024/10/09 21:39:49 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error Get "http://localhost:8282/id/xxxxxxx": dial tcp connect: connection refused)
2024/10/09 21:39:49 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 16.202656641s
2024/10/09 21:39:58 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 3/10 (error Get "http://localhost:8282/id/xxxxxxxxx": dial tcp connect: connection refused)
2024/10/09 21:39:58 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 16.001196045s
I'm guessing this is because of the unsuccessful gphotosdl -login
step, but I don't know how to fix it. I also tried to wipe the config folder after installing chromium. This doesn't help though