Feature request: possible to write down/output the .md5 on both local and remote folder?

just some comments (which help me more)

i am paranoid for data consistency. so even in my local HDD,
i will produce single .md5 for EACH file. Among dozens of checksum makers,
i only found corz’s checksum could produce 1 .md5 for each file.
(in linux there may be some alternative?)

and I even find LESS program to retrieve the checksum of files when they are
already on the cloud. Google drive have 2 checksum plugin but they are
not producing 1 .md5 per file. they are calculating the whole folder which i found

And when i come over rclone 's check command.
I notice it will calculate local file’s checksum, and then ask google server for that
remote file’s checksum by google’s API.

IF rclone have a flag in checksum which could simply write down/output that file’s .md5 local AND remotely, that will help me great (seems not too difficult).

yet just some comments.

Thank you.

ps: sometimes people already have .md5 files download-ed from some program’s website, so if the above feature is to be implemented, a mechanism have to be present to preserve the original .md5 when a .md5 already exist.

may be say call rclone’s produced .md5 as .rc-md5 etc.
thank you

You can use rclone md5sum for this, eg

rclone md5sum /path/to/files
rclone md5sum drive:path/to/files

Hopefully that will help!

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