Dropbox API Issue - failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string (Response/Header Issue)

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I am not able to download certain files from my encrypted remote.

The files in question are all video files. Smaller files (e.g. Locks, Safes, and Security, v.4.pdf @ 183 MB) can be downloaded without issue. Larger files (video files) show a failure.

I can see all the files without issue, and can successfully use rclone ncdu DBX-base-vault: to see all files and their respective sizes.

I am concerned with failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string. I have never seen the language bad magic string in any logs.

Uploads of any size complete successfully without any issue.

Please advise.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.62.2
- os/version: ubuntu 20.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.15.0-69-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.20.2
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


Note: I am using the development keys through the Dropbox App Console.

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone copyto "DBX-base-vault:Media/News/TVP/Panorama/Season 2023" "/home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023" --stats 1s --progress --log-file=/home/pmc/Videos/rclone-test-transfer-log.txt --log-level=DEBUG

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Refresh tokens, expiry dates, client ID, client secrets, etc... have been removed with [redacted], but are available if you can explain why it's required for debugging.

By extension, encrypted folder names have also been removed, as I don't want that scanned by web scrapers.

type = drive
client_id = [redacted]
client_secret = [redacted]
scope = drive
token = {"access_token":"[redacted]","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"[redacted]","expiry":"[redacted]"}

type = crypt
remote = GCD-base:Vault
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = [redacted]
password2 = [redacted]

type = dropbox
client_id = [redacted]
client_secret = [redacted]
token = {"access_token":"[redacted]","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"[redacted]","expiry":"[redacted]"}

type = crypt
remote = DBX-base:Vault
password = [redacted]
password2 = [redacted]

A log from the command with the -vv flag

I've used the NOTICE flag, as this error/circumstance is especially weird. I'll post a rpely with DEBUG if it's requested.

2023/04/24 20:04:44 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf3ޔj\xdf\x04\xc69G\x82G\xbb3\b/H\xca\xc17#\xea\x89\xd4\xec"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:44 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00s\"\x90Qܵ8\x80h\x9b\x9e\xf2\x0fݶ|4aG<\xeaOc\x9d"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:44 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8e\xf1\xdf\xd0N\xc3\xda4qm\x027Į\xf2\xbe\x1d\x1f>\x0ek\xfe\xdf\x17"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:44 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:45 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:45 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:45 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x14\x1cb\x9f\xc8l\x05\\xz\xd8b\x7f^\xf8-B\xb8\x8a`\x06\x1a\xc4"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:45 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:45 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf5\xd2.\xb8Y\xbb[\xf1o\x96W\x9c?\xfd{\xa8\x17\xc3\xf7\xa3g\v\x8a\x83"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:45 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x000\xebI\xa0\xcc\xfdeN\xe93\xe8,\v\x11ϙ\xe6\xd3\x15\xf7\x8e\xbc\xb4\xd5"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:45 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:45 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:45 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x9bÖ\xf5\x12o\x05V\xf8\x8a\" hW\xe4h\xe0\xeb\xa6\xd5\x03\xa4\xb8\xc6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:45 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xc2I\xf6\x86\xc3l\xd5\rU\x83[\xf8\xe7\x1e\x1fZ'\r\x81\xe8A\x8a7\xef"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:45 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:46 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:46 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x82\x97\x9b\x88\x8b\xc7\xd1\xd8Sn+\xda\b\xc9sePgߓ\x1dAOV"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:46 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:46 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00|\xf35\x8a\x1e\x1b\x11\x98\x1a-\x11\u05fd\xa2ˑ\x12P\x88\x8e\xb3)\x12\x82"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:46 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x11\x17\x84\xe5i\x02\xb8X\x15\x12\xb6\xfb\xae\xf3\x87\"?%\xe5\xa7\aM&6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:46 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:46 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:46 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xcd\a\x97p\xbe\tI\x12\xe9}Z\xb8\x8cY\xbc \x90\x96\x93iP\x83r\xa3"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:46 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:47 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8f=\xce/\xb0\b\x1a'\x9c\x10\xa1S6\xd6\xd3\xec։\xfc\x8b_\xae\xd4="; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00iH\x14\xb3\xeax\x86L'\xb6QB\x8f\x16\x18\x81\xad\x989\x8e\x97\xed\x89G"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xeb\xc5\x12^H\x166\x15\xb1\xedy/c,\x92\xdcf\xa7i\xe7\xef\xaexE"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:47 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:47 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:48 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:48 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 18 errors and: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:49 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00s\"\x90Qܵ8\x80h\x9b\x9e\xf2\x0fݶ|4aG<\xeaOc\x9d"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:49 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8e\xf1\xdf\xd0N\xc3\xda4qm\x027Į\xf2\xbe\x1d\x1f>\x0ek\xfe\xdf\x17"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:49 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x9bÖ\xf5\x12o\x05V\xf8\x8a\" hW\xe4h\xe0\xeb\xa6\xd5\x03\xa4\xb8\xc6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:49 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:50 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:50 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:50 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:50 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x000\xebI\xa0\xcc\xfdeN\xe93\xe8,\v\x11ϙ\xe6\xd3\x15\xf7\x8e\xbc\xb4\xd5"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:50 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:50 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf3ޔj\xdf\x04\xc69G\x82G\xbb3\b/H\xca\xc17#\xea\x89\xd4\xec"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:50 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:51 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:51 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:51 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x82\x97\x9b\x88\x8b\xc7\xd1\xd8Sn+\xda\b\xc9sePgߓ\x1dAOV"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:51 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:51 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:51 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xcd\a\x97p\xbe\tI\x12\xe9}Z\xb8\x8cY\xbc \x90\x96\x93iP\x83r\xa3"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:51 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:51 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:51 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:51 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:51 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00|\xf35\x8a\x1e\x1b\x11\x98\x1a-\x11\u05fd\xa2ˑ\x12P\x88\x8e\xb3)\x12\x82"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:52 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:52 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8f=\xce/\xb0\b\x1a'\x9c\x10\xa1S6\xd6\xd3\xec։\xfc\x8b_\xae\xd4="; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:52 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:52 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:52 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf5\xd2.\xb8Y\xbb[\xf1o\x96W\x9c?\xfd{\xa8\x17\xc3\xf7\xa3g\v\x8a\x83"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:52 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:53 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:53 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00iH\x14\xb3\xeax\x86L'\xb6QB\x8f\x16\x18\x81\xad\x989\x8e\x97\xed\x89G"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:53 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:53 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xc2I\xf6\x86\xc3l\xd5\rU\x83[\xf8\xe7\x1e\x1fZ'\r\x81\xe8A\x8a7\xef"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:53 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:53 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 18 errors and: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:54 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x14\x1cb\x9f\xc8l\x05\\xz\xd8b\x7f^\xf8-B\xb8\x8a`\x06\x1a\xc4"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:54 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8e\xf1\xdf\xd0N\xc3\xda4qm\x027Į\xf2\xbe\x1d\x1f>\x0ek\xfe\xdf\x17"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:54 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00s\"\x90Qܵ8\x80h\x9b\x9e\xf2\x0fݶ|4aG<\xeaOc\x9d"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:54 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf3ޔj\xdf\x04\xc69G\x82G\xbb3\b/H\xca\xc17#\xea\x89\xd4\xec"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:54 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:54 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:54 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:54 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:54 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x000\xebI\xa0\xcc\xfdeN\xe93\xe8,\v\x11ϙ\xe6\xd3\x15\xf7\x8e\xbc\xb4\xd5"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:55 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00iH\x14\xb3\xeax\x86L'\xb6QB\x8f\x16\x18\x81\xad\x989\x8e\x97\xed\x89G"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:55 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:55 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x9bÖ\xf5\x12o\x05V\xf8\x8a\" hW\xe4h\xe0\xeb\xa6\xd5\x03\xa4\xb8\xc6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:55 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xc2I\xf6\x86\xc3l\xd5\rU\x83[\xf8\xe7\x1e\x1fZ'\r\x81\xe8A\x8a7\xef"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:55 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:55 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:55 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:55 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf5\xd2.\xb8Y\xbb[\xf1o\x96W\x9c?\xfd{\xa8\x17\xc3\xf7\xa3g\v\x8a\x83"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:55 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x11\x17\x84\xe5i\x02\xb8X\x15\x12\xb6\xfb\xae\xf3\x87\"?%\xe5\xa7\aM&6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:56 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xcd\a\x97p\xbe\tI\x12\xe9}Z\xb8\x8cY\xbc \x90\x96\x93iP\x83r\xa3"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:56 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:56 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:56 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:56 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:56 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:56 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:56 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x82\x97\x9b\x88\x8b\xc7\xd1\xd8Sn+\xda\b\xc9sePgߓ\x1dAOV"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:56 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:56 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:57 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:57 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:57 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00J\x87aIs,\xad\xb0\a\xf6>\xb3\x93\xb6Xm\xedֺ\x05\x18\xa9\x90\xd9"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:57 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:57 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00|\xf35\x8a\x1e\x1b\x11\x98\x1a-\x11\u05fd\xa2ˑ\x12P\x88\x8e\xb3)\x12\x82"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:57 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8f=\xce/\xb0\b\x1a'\x9c\x10\xa1S6\xd6\xd3\xec։\xfc\x8b_\xae\xd4="; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:57 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:57 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:57 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xeb\xc5\x12^H\x166\x15\xb1\xedy/c,\x92\xdcf\xa7i\xe7\xef\xaexE"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:04:57 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:57 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 18 errors and: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:04:57 Failed to copyto with 18 errors: last error was: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string


DEBUG log is long, so it's over 3 posts:

2023/04/24 20:18:23 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.62.2" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copyto" "DBX-base-vault:Media/News/TVP/Panorama/Season 2023" "/home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023" "--stats" "1s" "--progress" "--log-level=DEBUG" "--log-file=/home/pmc/Videos/rclone-log_level-DEBUG.txt"]
2023/04/24 20:18:23 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "DBX-base-vault:Media/News/TVP/Panorama/Season 2023"
2023/04/24 20:18:23 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/pmc/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2023/04/24 20:18:23 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "DBX-base:Vault/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]"
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023"
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Sizes differ (src 741594290 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Sizes differ (src 694736111 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Sizes differ (src 742461041 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Sizes differ (src 744999893 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Sizes differ (src 704904027 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Sizes differ (src 788936803 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Sizes differ (src 794421823 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Sizes differ (src 757670176 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023: Waiting for checks to finish
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Sizes differ (src 714507451 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Sizes differ (src 703014263 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Sizes differ (src 753972646 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Sizes differ (src 744106794 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Sizes differ (src 764521075 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Sizes differ (src 685849800 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Sizes differ (src 701838139 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Sizes differ (src 735067909 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Sizes differ (src 758280694 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Sizes differ (src 754379022 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023: Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 331.312Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (347406336-694736111) size 331.239Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-347406336) size 331.312Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 354.062Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (371261440-742461041) size 354.004Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-371261440) size 354.062Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 355.250Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (372506624-744999893) size 355.237Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-372506624) size 355.250Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 353.625Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (370802688-741594290) size 353.614Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:24 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-370802688) size 353.625Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf3ޔj\xdf\x04\xc69G\x82G\xbb3\b/H\xca\xc17#\xea\x89\xd4\xec"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00iH\x14\xb3\xeax\x86L'\xb6QB\x8f\x16\x18\x81\xad\x989\x8e\x97\xed\x89G"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x9bÖ\xf5\x12o\x05V\xf8\x8a\" hW\xe4h\xe0\xeb\xa6\xd5\x03\xa4\xb8\xc6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 336.125Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (352452608-704904027) size 336.124Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-352452608) size 336.125Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8e\xf1\xdf\xd0N\xc3\xda4qm\x027Į\xf2\xbe\x1d\x1f>\x0ek\xfe\xdf\x17"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 250.812Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 (525991936-788936803) size 250.764Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 (0-262995968) size 250.812Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 (262995968-525991936) size 250.812Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:25 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 252.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 (529661952-794421823) size 252.495Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 (0-264830976) size 252.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 (264830976-529661952) size 252.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:25 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 361.312Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (378863616-757670176) size 361.258Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-378863616) size 361.312Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x14\x1cb\x9f\xc8l\x05\\xz\xd8b\x7f^\xf8-B\xb8\x8a`\x06\x1a\xc4"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 340.750Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (357302272-714507451) size 340.657Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-357302272) size 340.750Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 335.250Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (351535104-703014263) size 335.197Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-351535104) size 335.250Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:26 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 359.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (377028608-753972646) size 359.482Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-377028608) size 359.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00|\xf35\x8a\x1e\x1b\x11\x98\x1a-\x11\u05fd\xa2ˑ\x12P\x88\x8e\xb3)\x12\x82"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 354.875Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (372113408-744106794) size 354.761Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-372113408) size 354.875Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:26 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 364.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (382271488-764521075) size 364.542Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-382271488) size 364.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:26 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00J\x87aIs,\xad\xb0\a\xf6>\xb3\x93\xb6Xm\xedֺ\x05\x18\xa9\x90\xd9"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:27 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 327.062Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (342949888-685849800) size 327.015Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-342949888) size 327.062Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00s\"\x90Qܵ8\x80h\x9b\x9e\xf2\x0fݶ|4aG<\xeaOc\x9d"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xeb\xc5\x12^H\x166\x15\xb1\xedy/c,\x92\xdcf\xa7i\xe7\xef\xaexE"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:27 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 334.688Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (350945280-701838139) size 334.638Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-350945280) size 334.688Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 350.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (367591424-735067909) size 350.453Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-367591424) size 350.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x000\xebI\xa0\xcc\xfdeN\xe93\xe8,\v\x11ϙ\xe6\xd3\x15\xf7\x8e\xbc\xb4\xd5"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 361.625Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (379191296-758280694) size 361.528Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-379191296) size 361.625Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xcd\a\x97p\xbe\tI\x12\xe9}Z\xb8\x8cY\xbc \x90\x96\x93iP\x83r\xa3"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x11\x17\x84\xe5i\x02\xb8X\x15\x12\xb6\xfb\xae\xf3\x87\"?%\xe5\xa7\aM&6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf5\xd2.\xb8Y\xbb[\xf1o\x96W\x9c?\xfd{\xa8\x17\xc3\xf7\xa3g\v\x8a\x83"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 359.750Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (377225216-754379022) size 359.682Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-377225216) size 359.750Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:27 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xc2I\xf6\x86\xc3l\xd5\rU\x83[\xf8\xe7\x1e\x1fZ'\r\x81\xe8A\x8a7\xef"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x82\x97\x9b\x88\x8b\xc7\xd1\xd8Sn+\xda\b\xc9sePgߓ\x1dAOV"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 18 errors and: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Sizes differ (src 741594290 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Sizes differ (src 742461041 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Sizes differ (src 744106794 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023: Waiting for checks to finish
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Sizes differ (src 754379022 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Sizes differ (src 701838139 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Sizes differ (src 735067909 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Sizes differ (src 788936803 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Sizes differ (src 685849800 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Sizes differ (src 758280694 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Sizes differ (src 757670176 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Sizes differ (src 714507451 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Sizes differ (src 794421823 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Sizes differ (src 694736111 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Sizes differ (src 764521075 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Sizes differ (src 744999893 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Sizes differ (src 704904027 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Sizes differ (src 703014263 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Sizes differ (src 753972646 vs dst 32768)
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023: Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 353.625Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (370802688-741594290) size 353.614Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-370802688) size 353.625Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 354.875Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (372113408-744106794) size 354.761Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-372113408) size 354.875Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 354.062Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (371261440-742461041) size 354.004Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-371261440) size 354.062Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 359.750Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (377225216-754379022) size 359.682Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-377225216) size 359.750Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8e\xf1\xdf\xd0N\xc3\xda4qm\x027Į\xf2\xbe\x1d\x1f>\x0ek\xfe\xdf\x17"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00s\"\x90Qܵ8\x80h\x9b\x9e\xf2\x0fݶ|4aG<\xeaOc\x9d"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 334.688Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (350945280-701838139) size 334.638Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-350945280) size 334.688Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xc2I\xf6\x86\xc3l\xd5\rU\x83[\xf8\xe7\x1e\x1fZ'\r\x81\xe8A\x8a7\xef"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string```
2023/04/24 20:18:29 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 350.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (367591424-735067909) size 350.453Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-367591424) size 350.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:29 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 250.812Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 (525991936-788936803) size 250.764Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 (0-262995968) size 250.812Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 (262995968-525991936) size 250.812Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:29 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 327.062Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (342949888-685849800) size 327.015Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:29 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-342949888) size 327.062Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf5\xd2.\xb8Y\xbb[\xf1o\x96W\x9c?\xfd{\xa8\x17\xc3\xf7\xa3g\v\x8a\x83"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 361.625Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (379191296-758280694) size 361.528Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-379191296) size 361.625Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x11\x17\x84\xe5i\x02\xb8X\x15\x12\xb6\xfb\xae\xf3\x87\"?%\xe5\xa7\aM&6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 361.312Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (378863616-757670176) size 361.258Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-378863616) size 361.312Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:30 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 340.750Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-357302272) size 340.750Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (357302272-714507451) size 340.657Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xcd\a\x97p\xbe\tI\x12\xe9}Z\xb8\x8cY\xbc \x90\x96\x93iP\x83r\xa3"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x82\x97\x9b\x88\x8b\xc7\xd1\xd8Sn+\xda\b\xc9sePgߓ\x1dAOV"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 252.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 (529661952-794421823) size 252.495Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 (264830976-529661952) size 252.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 (0-264830976) size 252.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:30 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00|\xf35\x8a\x1e\x1b\x11\x98\x1a-\x11\u05fd\xa2ˑ\x12P\x88\x8e\xb3)\x12\x82"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:30 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 331.312Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (347406336-694736111) size 331.239Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-347406336) size 331.312Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:31 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 364.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (382271488-764521075) size 364.542Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-382271488) size 364.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:31 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 355.250Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (372506624-744999893) size 355.237Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-372506624) size 355.250Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:31 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf3ޔj\xdf\x04\xc69G\x82G\xbb3\b/H\xca\xc17#\xea\x89\xd4\xec"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:31 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 336.125Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-352452608) size 336.125Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (352452608-704904027) size 336.124Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 335.250Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-351535104) size 335.250Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (351535104-703014263) size 335.197Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x000\xebI\xa0\xcc\xfdeN\xe93\xe8,\v\x11ϙ\xe6\xd3\x15\xf7\x8e\xbc\xb4\xd5"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 359.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (377028608-753972646) size 359.482Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:31 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-377028608) size 359.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:32 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8f=\xce/\xb0\b\x1a'\x9c\x10\xa1S6\xd6\xd3\xec։\xfc\x8b_\xae\xd4="; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x14\x1cb\x9f\xc8l\x05\\xz\xd8b\x7f^\xf8-B\xb8\x8a`\x06\x1a\xc4"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:32 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:32 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 18 errors and: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Sizes differ (src 741594290 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Sizes differ (src 764521075 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Sizes differ (src 744106794 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Sizes differ (src 754379022 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Sizes differ (src 685849800 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Sizes differ (src 788936803 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Sizes differ (src 758280694 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Sizes differ (src 735067909 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Sizes differ (src 757670176 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Sizes differ (src 714507451 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Sizes differ (src 703014263 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Sizes differ (src 753972646 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Sizes differ (src 694736111 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Sizes differ (src 701838139 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Sizes differ (src 794421823 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023: Waiting for checks to finish
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Sizes differ (src 744999893 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Sizes differ (src 742461041 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Sizes differ (src 704904027 vs dst 0)
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/pmc/Videos/test/Panorama/2023: Waiting for transfers to finish
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 364.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (382271488-764521075) size 364.542Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-382271488) size 364.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 353.625Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (370802688-741594290) size 353.614Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-370802688) size 353.625Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 354.875Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (372113408-744106794) size 354.761Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-372113408) size 354.875Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 359.750Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (377225216-754379022) size 359.682Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-377225216) size 359.750Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00s\"\x90Qܵ8\x80h\x9b\x9e\xf2\x0fݶ|4aG<\xeaOc\x9d"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8e\xf1\xdf\xd0N\xc3\xda4qm\x027Į\xf2\xbe\x1d\x1f>\x0ek\xfe\xdf\x17"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xc2I\xf6\x86\xc3l\xd5\rU\x83[\xf8\xe7\x1e\x1fZ'\r\x81\xe8A\x8a7\xef"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x000\xebI\xa0\xcc\xfdeN\xe93\xe8,\v\x11ϙ\xe6\xd3\x15\xf7\x8e\xbc\xb4\xd5"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-13.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 327.062Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (342949888-685849800) size 327.015Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:33 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-342949888) size 327.062Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-07.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 250.812Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 (525991936-788936803) size 250.764Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 (0-262995968) size 250.812Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 (262995968-525991936) size 250.812Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-14.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 350.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (367591424-735067909) size 350.453Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-367591424) size 350.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\f\x8b\x1d\x90\xef\x9b\xe3\x11\x95)\x8cr\xd8\xe9@\x8a\xd5Ng;\xd1jI\xca"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:34 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-18.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 361.312Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (378863616-757670176) size 361.258Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-378863616) size 361.312Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xcd\a\x97p\xbe\tI\x12\xe9}Z\xb8\x8cY\xbc \x90\x96\x93iP\x83r\xa3"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-16.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 340.750Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (357302272-714507451) size 340.657Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:34 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-357302272) size 340.750Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x11\x17\x84\xe5i\x02\xb8X\x15\x12\xb6\xfb\xae\xf3\x87\"?%\xe5\xa7\aM&6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-17.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 335.250Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (351535104-703014263) size 335.197Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-351535104) size 335.250Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00|\xf35\x8a\x1e\x1b\x11\x98\x1a-\x11\u05fd\xa2ˑ\x12P\x88\x8e\xb3)\x12\x82"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:35 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-10.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 359.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (377028608-753972646) size 359.482Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-377028608) size 359.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00J\x87aIs,\xad\xb0\a\xf6>\xb3\x93\xb6Xm\xedֺ\x05\x18\xa9\x90\xd9"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:35 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-22.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 331.312Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (347406336-694736111) size 331.239Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-347406336) size 331.312Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-21.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 334.688Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (350945280-701838139) size 334.638Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-350945280) size 334.688Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x8f=\xce/\xb0\b\x1a'\x9c\x10\xa1S6\xd6\xd3\xec։\xfc\x8b_\xae\xd4="; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-23.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 3 parts of size 252.562Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 (529661952-794421823) size 252.495Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 (264830976-529661952) size 252.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:35 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 (0-264830976) size 252.562Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xf5\xd2.\xb8Y\xbb[\xf1o\x96W\x9c?\xfd{\xa8\x17\xc3\xf7\xa3g\v\x8a\x83"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:36 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-08.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 355.250Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (372506624-744999893) size 355.237Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-372506624) size 355.250Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xeb\xc5\x12^H\x166\x15\xb1\xedy/c,\x92\xdcf\xa7i\xe7\xef\xaexE"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-24.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 361.625Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (379191296-758280694) size 361.528Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-379191296) size 361.625Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:36 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-15.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 354.062Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (371261440-742461041) size 354.004Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-371261440) size 354.062Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00?\x1bc\xb30\x97\xb5YC\aC\xfa\xcd\ric\x10\xbc\xaem\x11\xb6\x17\x97"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 3/3 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:36 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-20.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Starting multi-thread copy with 2 parts of size 336.125Mi
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 (352452608-704904027) size 336.124Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 (0-352452608) size 336.125Mi starting
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x82\x97\x9b\x88\x8b\xc7\xd1\xd8Sn+\xda\b\xc9sePgߓ\x1dAOV"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:36 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-12.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\x9bÖ\xf5\x12o\x05V\xf8\x8a\" hW\xe4h\xe0\xeb\xa6\xd5\x03\xa4\xb8\xc6"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:36 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-19.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:37 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x14\x1cb\x9f\xc8l\x05\\xz\xd8b\x7f^\xf8-B\xb8\x8a`\x06\x1a\xc4"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:37 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 2/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:37 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: context canceled
2023/04/24 20:18:37 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-11.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:37 DEBUG : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: multi-thread copy: stream 1/2 failed: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:37 ERROR : Panorama - 2023-04-09.mp4: Failed to copy: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:37 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 18 errors and: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/24 20:18:37 INFO  : 
Transferred:   	       32 KiB / 32 KiB, 100%, 2.666 KiB/s, ETA 0s
Errors:                18 (retrying may help)
Checks:                54 / 54, 100%
Elapsed time:        13.6s

2023/04/24 20:18:37 DEBUG : 55 go routines active
2023/04/24 20:18:37 INFO  : Dropbox root 'Vault/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]': Committing uploads - please wait...
2023/04/24 20:18:37 Failed to copyto with 18 errors: last error was: multipart copy: failed to open source: not an encrypted file - bad magic string

End of DEBUG log.

I've been able to narrow down the issue. If I use the flag --multi-thread-streams 0, then the download completes successfully, but is much slower.


Same issue over here

same issue. Copy and move are working, but crypted mount gives this and IO error

2023/04/24 20:27:26 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string

If I mount an unencrypted dropbox it includes data as such at the head of files:


in files

Partial output of
rclone mount dropbox:frankensteinfolder z: -vv --dump headers and opening "frankenstein.txt" (everything past the download request):

2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.openRange at 0 length 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : HTTP REQUEST (req 0xc00093f300)
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : POST /2/files/download HTTP/1.1
Host: content.dropboxapi.com
User-Agent: rclone/v1.62.2
Content-Length: 0
Authorization: XXXX
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Dropbox-Api-Arg: {"path":"id:rjfrJ1HlSQ0AAAAAABD7nw"}
Range: bytes=0-465626

2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: OpenEx: flags=0x0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: >Open: fd=frankenstein.txt (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >OpenFile: fd=frankenstein.txt (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >OpenEx: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath="/frankenstein.txt"
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:25 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : HTTP RESPONSE (req 0xc00093f300)
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Content-Length: 465627
Accept-Encoding: identity,gzip
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Range: bytes 0-465626/465627
Content-Security-Policy: sandbox allow-forms allow-scripts
Content-Type: application/grpc
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 03:20:00 GMT
Dropbox-Api-Result: {"name": "frankenstein.txt", "path_lower": "/frankensteinfolder/frankenstein.txt", "path_display": "/frankensteinfolder/frankenstein.txt", "id": "id:rjfrJ1HlSQ0AAAAAABD7nw", "client_modified": "2023-04-25T00:47:16Z", "server_modified": "2023-04-25T03:18:33Z", "rev": "5fa20940e990a81cfab61", "size": 465627, "is_downloadable": true, "content_hash": "bcdd55a2804f8b0ebc2c46586f71122b216b51b0dbb510b00471078e239fbea7"}
Etag: W/"5fa20940e990a81cfab61"
Original-Content-Length: 465627
Server: envoy
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Dropbox-Request-Id: 3cdd02813aee4a5ab4587754de172ccd
X-Dropbox-Response-Origin: far_remote
X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, noimageindex

2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.Read at 0 length 32768 chunkOffset 0 chunkSize 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Read: n=32768
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Flush: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Flush: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Release: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Release: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Read: ofst=434176, fh=0x2
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ReadFileHandle.seek from 32768 to 434176 (fs.RangeSeeker)
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from 32768 to 434176 length -1
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 434176 chunkSize 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.openRange at 434176 length 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : HTTP REQUEST (req 0xc000693600)
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : POST /2/files/download HTTP/1.1
Host: content.dropboxapi.com
User-Agent: rclone/v1.62.2
Content-Length: 0
Authorization: XXXX
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Dropbox-Api-Arg: {"path":"id:rjfrJ1HlSQ0AAAAAABD7nw"}
Range: bytes=434176-465626

2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: OpenEx: flags=0x0
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: >Open: fd=frankenstein.txt (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >OpenFile: fd=frankenstein.txt (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >OpenEx: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:26 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath="/frankenstein.txt"
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : HTTP RESPONSE (req 0xc000693600)
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Content-Length: 31451
Accept-Encoding: identity,gzip
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Range: bytes 434176-465626/465627
Content-Security-Policy: sandbox allow-forms allow-scripts
Content-Type: application/grpc
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 03:20:01 GMT
Dropbox-Api-Result: {"name": "frankenstein.txt", "path_lower": "/frankensteinfolder/frankenstein.txt", "path_display": "/frankensteinfolder/frankenstein.txt", "id": "id:rjfrJ1HlSQ0AAAAAABD7nw", "client_modified": "2023-04-25T00:47:16Z", "server_modified": "2023-04-25T03:18:33Z", "rev": "5fa20940e990a81cfab61", "size": 465627, "is_downloadable": true, "content_hash": "bcdd55a2804f8b0ebc2c46586f71122b216b51b0dbb510b00471078e239fbea7"}
Etag: W/"5fa20940e990a81cfab61"
Original-Content-Length: 31451
Server: envoy
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Dropbox-Request-Id: 30d19622d46d4aa39977530744ba3b21
X-Dropbox-Response-Origin: far_remote
X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, noimageindex

2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2023/04/24 20:18:27 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with " newsletter to hear about new eBooks.\r\n"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Read: n=31451
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Flush: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Flush: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Release: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Release: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /FRANKENSTEIN.TXT: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /FRANKENSTEIN.TXT: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /FRANKENSTEIN.TXT: Getpath: Getpath fh=18446744073709551615
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /FRANKENSTEIN.TXT: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath="/frankenstein.txt"
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Statfs:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Statfs: stat={Bsize:4096 Frsize:4096 Blocks:8796093022207 Bfree:8796093022207 Bavail:8796093022207 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Favail:0 Fsid:0 Flag:0 Namemax:255}, errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: OpenEx: flags=0x0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: Open: flags=O_RDONLY
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: >Open: fd=frankenstein.txt (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >OpenFile: fd=frankenstein.txt (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >OpenEx: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath="/frankenstein.txt"
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Flush: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Flush: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Release: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Release: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Read: ofst=32768, fh=0x2
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ReadFileHandle.seek from 465627 to 32768 (fs.RangeSeeker)
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.RangeSeek from 465627 to 32768 length -1
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.Read at -1 length 32768 chunkOffset 32768 chunkSize 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.openRange at 32768 length 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : HTTP REQUEST (req 0xc000693b00)
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : POST /2/files/download HTTP/1.1
Host: content.dropboxapi.com
User-Agent: rclone/v1.62.2
Content-Length: 0
Authorization: XXXX
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Dropbox-Api-Arg: {"path":"id:rjfrJ1HlSQ0AAAAAABD7nw"}
Range: bytes=32768-465626

2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : HTTP RESPONSE (req 0xc000693b00)
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Content-Length: 432859
Accept-Encoding: identity,gzip
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Range: bytes 32768-465626/465627
Content-Security-Policy: sandbox allow-forms allow-scripts
Content-Type: application/grpc
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 03:20:01 GMT
Dropbox-Api-Result: {"name": "frankenstein.txt", "path_lower": "/frankensteinfolder/frankenstein.txt", "path_display": "/frankensteinfolder/frankenstein.txt", "id": "id:rjfrJ1HlSQ0AAAAAABD7nw", "client_modified": "2023-04-25T00:47:16Z", "server_modified": "2023-04-25T03:18:33Z", "rev": "5fa20940e990a81cfab61", "size": 465627, "is_downloadable": true, "content_hash": "bcdd55a2804f8b0ebc2c46586f71122b216b51b0dbb510b00471078e239fbea7"}
Etag: W/"5fa20940e990a81cfab61"
Original-Content-Length: 432859
Server: envoy
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-Dropbox-Request-Id: a9d22c29d1ca4a8a9b8e77dc136488d9
X-Dropbox-Response-Origin: far_remote
X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, noimageindex

2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Read: n=32768
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x5
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Opendir:
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: OpenFile: flags=O_RDONLY, perm=-rwxrwxrwx
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >OpenFile: fd=/ (r), err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Opendir: errc=0, fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Getpath: Getpath fh=4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Getpath: errc=0, normalisedPath=""
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: Releasedir: fh=0x4
2023/04/24 20:18:27 DEBUG : /: >Releasedir: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Getattr: fh=0x2
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /: Statfs:
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /: >Statfs: stat={Bsize:4096 Frsize:4096 Blocks:8796093022207 Bfree:8796093022207 Bavail:8796093022207 Files:1000000000 Ffree:1000000000 Favail:0 Fsid:0 Flag:0 Namemax:255}, errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Read: ofst=65536, fh=0x2
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.Read at 65536 length 65536 chunkOffset 32768 chunkSize 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Read: n=65536
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Read: ofst=131072, fh=0x2
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.Read at 131072 length 131072 chunkOffset 32768 chunkSize 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Read: n=131072
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: Read: ofst=262144, fh=0x2
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : frankenstein.txt: ChunkedReader.Read at 262144 length 204800 chunkOffset 32768 chunkSize 134217728
2023/04/24 20:18:28 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "roject Gutenberg Literary\r\nArchive Foundation, how to help produce our new eBooks, and how to\r\nsubscribe to our email newsletter to hear about new eBooks.\r\n"; err=<nil>
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /frankenstein.txt: >Read: n=203483
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /: Getattr: fh=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2023/04/24 20:18:28 DEBUG : /: >Getattr: errc=0

This is an interesting post on the Dropbox forum; timeline of the post seems to line up, but I don't know if it's related:

Seems to reference the header snafu that @cramik is seeing. Thoughts?

I am getting the same error as well. I wonder if it is worth raising with dropbox support since i don't think rclone has changed and i assume dropbox would not want to break rclone

I use another two servers with the same Rclone config and they are working. I have this issue just on two servers.

To clarify: on some deployments, you can connect to Dropbox, and on other deployments, you can't connect to Dropbox?

Exacty, I can mount crypted drives and use them normally.

Using the same rclone version, even the same rclone.conf file

Investigating this issue is way beyond my technical ability; I think it's safer if the rclone dev team looks at this error, and interface with Dropbox.

For some context, I am able to replicate the same error with an older version of rclone (v1.55.1) on my Windows 10 machine, so this is most definitely not an rclone problem. To be absolutely clear:

  • I can see my files in clear and crypt containers;
  • I can download my files that are residing in clear and crypt containers
  • I can use the --multi-thread-streams 0 to successfully download a file from either container type
  • When I remove the --multi-thread-streams 0 option, I get errors.

So, I am going to assume that this has to be a header request issue in how rclone communicates with the Dropbox API.


I would be interested if you had multi thread stream set to 0 but requested the middle of the file without having it cached would it error. Main difference i would expect between single and multi thread if starting at the start of the file would be single thread starts at position 0 so does not need header to say where to read from but multi thread would need the header to say the different parts it would read from. Same if you initally started reading say the middle of the file.

also dropbox support so far has not been helpful. Seems online chat support has no information or visability of API's and changes and have no where to raise internally if a common 3rd party app gets broken due to a change on their side since 3rd party apps are not supported. was worth a try

@Animosity022 wondering if you're also having this issue with your Dropbox backend?

I'm having the same issue here.

same issue here. here are some of the errors/ logs

2023/04/25 06:27:02 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:02 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:02 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:03 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Kill Her Goats (2023)/Kill Her Goats (2023) {imdb-tt13174108}{tmdb-1073079} (Bluray-720p x264 8bit AAC 5.1 LAMA).mp4: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 5/10: failed to authenticate decrypted block - bad password?
2023/04/25 06:27:03 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:03 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x8f\x1c\xd47\x89\xb1'\x16O\xf9ׂ\xa04Sw\xe4\x1a?\xbdQ\x02\x99"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:03 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Kill Her Goats (2023)/Kill Her Goats (2023) {imdb-tt13174108}{tmdb-1073079} (Bluray-720p x264 8bit AAC 5.1 LAMA).mp4: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 6/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:04 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Kill Her Goats (2023)/Kill Her Goats (2023) {imdb-tt13174108}{tmdb-1073079} (Bluray-720p x264 8bit AAC 5.1 LAMA).mp4: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 7/10: failed to authenticate decrypted block - bad password?
2023/04/25 06:27:05 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:05 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 1/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:05 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x8f\x1c\xd47\x89\xb1'\x16O\xf9ׂ\xa04Sw\xe4\x1a?\xbdQ\x02\x99"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:05 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Kill Her Goats (2023)/Kill Her Goats (2023) {imdb-tt13174108}{tmdb-1073079} (Bluray-720p x264 8bit AAC 5.1 LAMA).mp4: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 8/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:05 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xb6\x8f\x1c\xd47\x89\xb1'\x16O\xf9ׂ\xa04Sw\xe4\x1a?\xbdQ\x02\x99"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:05 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Kill Her Goats (2023)/Kill Her Goats (2023) {imdb-tt13174108}{tmdb-1073079} (Bluray-720p x264 8bit AAC 5.1 LAMA).mp4: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 9/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:09 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 1/10: failed to authenticate decrypted block - bad password?
2023/04/25 06:27:09 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:09 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 2/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:10 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:10 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 3/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:10 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:10 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 4/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:11 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:11 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 5/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:13 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:14 ERROR : IO error: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:15 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:15 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 1/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:16 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:16 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 2/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string
2023/04/25 06:27:17 Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "m\x12 RCLONE\x00\x00\xba\xe8uM\x16\xacJꊦ\\+\xac\xce<-\xa9\x82K\x17F&\x8aG"; err=<nil>
2023/04/25 06:27:17 ERROR : media/movies/english/mix/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023)/Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania (2023) {imdb-tt10954600}{tmdb-640146} (WEBRip-1080p x264 8bit EAC3 Atmos 5.1 CM).mkv: ReadFileHandle.Read error: low level retry 3/10: not an encrypted file - bad magic string

Same issue here, started some hours ago.