Encrypted file name clashes


I am currently uploading a few hundred thousand files to Amazon Cloud Drive, however, in two directories, so far, I encountered name clashes like this:
log snip:
“20061111/DSCF3204.JPG: Failed to copy: HTTP code 409: “409 Conflict”: response body: “{“logref”:“31a5354d-398a-11e7-8607-196256c93ec3”,“message”:“Node with the name 6pt8jgcj9n33892n0g94i7npuc already exists under parentId 5x6bi-XBQpuMC7tQ8SFD3g conflicting NodeId: 1mdfQbRDSd2RaQpudCcf2Q”,“code”:“NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS”,“info”:{“nodeId”:“1mdfQbRDSd2RaQpudCcf2Q”}}””

This particular folder contains 173 files, named DSCF3049 through DSCF3221.

Is this kind of name clashes to be expected?

Other then that, then I am impressed with the performance, which by far exceeds that of other GUI based tools, especially when using a few rclone processes in parallel on different folders, my upstream is fully saturated.


ACD is case insensitive - maybe a problem in that direction?

I do believe that could be true, but, if that is the case, then perhaps rclone should implement a different filename encryption scheme, since rclone seems so popular amongst ACD users.

I have tested quite a few tools with ACD, and except from this little issue, rclone is vastly superior, albeit not the most user friendly.

I really don’t know about this issue, i got two times the same error, whereas i don’t have any case-sensitive issues (files were all well named).

One log with -v was :

> 2017/05/16 22:52:50 ERROR : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-very-unique-filename-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" : Failed to copy: HTTP code 409: "409 Conflict": response body: "{\"logref\":\"b70f0cfb-3a79-11e7-a259-57ed0befd682\",\"message\":\"Node with the name g65nqroghpgmgavcdd9tqh6q8msf784o4isqb6snif59nfkhd9q1foq38gfohep0mdssnckkg453he6m7k3eq90i1tmcg50saqmljog already exists under parentId cHrVLe9CQ9isoTilKlcjHw conflicting NodeId: mgJ2u5jETWKAHTykAaCzoA\",\"code\":\"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS\",\"info\":{\"nodeId\":\"mgJ2u5jETWKAHTykAaCzoA\"}}"
> 2017/05/16 23:11:23 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: HTTP code 409: "409 Conflict": response body: "{\"logref\":\"b70f0cfb-3a79-11e7-a259-57ed0befd682\",\"message\":\"Node with the name g65nqroghpgmgavcdd9tqh6q8msf784o4isqb6snif59nfkhd9q1foq38gfohep0mdssnckkg453he6m7k3eq90i1tmcg50saqmljog already exists under parentId cHrVLe9CQ9isoTilKlcjHw conflicting NodeId: mgJ2u5jETWKAHTykAaCzoA\",\"code\":\"NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS\",\"info\":{\"nodeId\":\"mgJ2u5jETWKAHTykAaCzoA\"}}"
> 2017/05/16 23:11:24 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 succeeded

I’m surprised the error has been recovered (like if it was an issue on ACD side). All in all, despite this error, all my files seem to have been correctly uploaded.

It is probably just the eventual consistency of amazon listings vs retries going wrong. rclone will sort it out on a retry. It is only something to worry about if you do a sync and you just get those errors.