Dropbox - no "members.read"

What you can do to work around this is create your own app with the required scopes.

Apparently I can do this to the rclone app too, but I'm a bit scared by this message

Rclone should really pass a list of necessary scopes during the oauth process which it doesn't at the moment, so if I set that flag then people that are members of teams won't be able to authenticate without the team admin.

I think your best workaround is to create your own app with the members.get permission - that should work.

In the mean time, I'll get rclone to request specific scopes, and request members.read only if impersonate is requested.

I've done that here - I'd appreciate if you'd give it a go as I don't currently have access to a dropbox business account.

v1.55.0-beta.5175.aee3bfb17.fix-dropbox-scopes on branch fix-dropbox-scopes (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

Some time in the future I'll enable members.read for the default set of scopes.

The other thing I could do is make impersonate take a Team Member ID instead of an email address. I wouldn't need members.read permission without that. Is it easy to find a Team Member ID?

Sorry about this, dropbox changed the oauth permissions recently, and I didn't realise this would be a consequence.