Download file from a link and upload to Google Drive without saving on VPS Hard disk drive

2023/06/30 14:37:39 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.61.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copyurl" "Dịch vụ lưu trữ và chia sẻ trực tuyến - Fshare" "GetlinkYam:" "-vv"]

2023/06/30 14:37:39 "GetlinkYam:" is a directory

2023/06/30 14:38:12 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.61.1" starting with parameters ["rclone" "lsd" "GetlinkYam:" "-vv"]
2023/06/30 14:38:12 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "GetlinkYam:"
2023/06/30 14:38:12 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/huynguyen/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
-1 2023-06-29 04:08:45 -1 Getlink
2023/06/30 14:38:13 DEBUG : 4 go routines active

so this is your command:

rclone copyurl '' GetlinkYam: --progress


rclone copyurl '' GetlinkYam:path/to/folder --progress

where path/to/folder is example:) Use if you want to save it to some folder in Google Drive

It show:
2023/06/30 14:40:29 "GetlinkYam:Getlink/" is a directory

ok maybe it needs filename (if you know it):

rclone copyurl '' GetlinkYam:Getlink/fileName.ext --progress

or you can try

rclone copyurl '' GetlinkYam:Getlink/ --progress --auto-filename

Oh, that works, tks very much

How can i download multiple thread to have the faster speed :3

What do you mean? You have multiple links you want to download files from?

I mean if I download the file with only 1 thread, the speed is only around 7 - 8 Mbps. Although my vps speed is more than 400 Mbps. With 4 threads, the speed up to > 50 Mbps

1 thread per file only (this is HTTP limitation) but you can download multiple files at the same time

But with aria2c, I can download with 4 threads

What you mean by thread? Downloading 4 files at the same time?

Like IDM Software, it using multi thread at once to increase the download speed

Nope - rclone does not have such feature for HTTP protocol. No software is perfect:)

Got that. Tks again for helping me today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

BTW - multiple threads/streams are actually possible (not with rclone copyurl though):

rclone copy --http-url :http:xxx /local/folder -vv --multi-thread-streams 8 --multi-thread-cutoff 128M

BUT - it will only work when you download to local drive.

As you have no space and require to transfer it directly to Google it wont help in this case.