Does docker volume plugin support 'buffer-size' flag for in memory buffer?

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Does docker volume plugin support 'buffer-size' flag for in memory buffer? When adding it I see the following error:

ERROR: create docker_test: VolumeDriver.Create: unsupported backend option "buffer_size"

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

        driver: rclone:latest
            remote: 'test:'
            allow_other: 'true'
            vfs_cache_mode: 'off'
            poll_interval: 0
            buffer_size: '32M'

--buffer-size is a global flag and is neither a mount/vfs option or a backend specific parameter so I guess it isn't implemented. @ivandeex ?


docker plugin install ... args="--buffer-size=128M -v" ...
docker plugin set ... args="--buffer-size=128M -v" ...

will make your plugin container run

rclone serve docker --buffer-size=128M -v

Managed plugin is in fact a special container ... Inside it runs the rclone serve docker command.

You can tweak the following settings: args , config , cache , and RCLONE_VERBOSE .

args sets command-line arguments for the rclone serve docker command

RTFM Docker Volume Plugin

cc @ncw

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