Do I even need a cache system with Google Drive for Plex?

Plex works on inotify to pick up changes which fuse doesn't have.

You'd either trigger with Sonarr/Radarr/etc or you can use something like:

Thanks. Is there any problem in manually triggering the whole library scan? Maybe some Google Drive API limit?

API limit is 1 billion API hits per day so no.

i do not use plex and i do not use gdrive for streaming.

using emby, i manual scan when adding media

i have a seedbox for that.

Ok no problem In manually scanning the whole library each time.


ah Ok I see, thanks!

not the whole library.
i pick which folder and sub folders to re-scan.

The question that is not clear to me, is how the VFS cache would help streaming a file to start faster. As I understand it, if it is the first time I try to play a movie, it is not in the cache and therefore the response time was going to be the same as without the cache. So I would only benefit from the cache if the movie has been played at least once?

I don't know if that's how the cache layer works.

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