Develop custom "crypt" remote to be used with a hardware security module

I see your problem.

The GUI uses rclone to make the prompts for which files to upload so uses that RC call above.

You could make your file picker dialog like that.

Sorry for the late reply. I'll try your suggestion as soon as possible, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

@ncw I looked almost everywhere in the GUI code and I did not find any reference to operations/list or to lsjson. Can you point out where, in the code, the GUI uses rclone to make the prompts for which files to upload? I only found this, which looks like a normal file dialog box.

<FormGroup row className="pl-2 pr-2 d-none">
<Input id="upload-file" type="file" name="file" onChange={changeFilesHandler} multiple/>

Here is a hint :slight_smile:

$ git grep operations/list
src/utils/API/endpoint.js:      getFilesList: "operations/list",

$ git grep getFilesList
src/actions/explorerActions.js:import {getAllRemoteNames, getFilesList, getRemoteInfo} from "rclone-api"
src/actions/explorerActions.js:        getFilesList(remoteName, remotePath).then(res => dispatch({
src/utils/API/endpoint.js:      getFilesList: "operations/list",
src/views/Explorer/FilesView/FilesView.js:    getFilesList() {
src/views/Explorer/FilesView/FilesView.js:        this.getFilesList();

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