Copyto AWS S3 with --checksum posts error "checksum is in use but the source and destination have no hashes in common; failing back to size-only"

good, i was expecting that.
for uploads that are single part, below 5MiB, the ETag is the md5 of the file, so no need to add x-amz-meta-md5chksum
for uploads that are multiple part, above 5MiB, the ETag is not the md5 of the file, so need to add x-amz-meta-md5chksum
if you want a deep dive into that, check out this topic, were i helped get rclone to use ETags.

well, if the hash of the unencrypted file was saved as metadata, that would be a leak of private information.
imo, not something you want to a crypted remote.

fwiw, that is actually the sort of bug i found at wasabi.
when using sse-c encryption, wasabi leaks the hash of the non-crypted file

i contacted wasabi, years ago about it, but to this day, they have not fixed it.
hear back from wasabi

it does not matter if the file is text or binary. the same rules apply.

  1. hash
  2. modtime
  3. size

if you want to use hash with crypt, might try rclone check --download