Copying multiple folders across different drives/partitions on Windows

very risky,
on dos/windows, a full path requires two parts, drive letter + path
if no path is given, dos/windows appends the current work directory(cwd)

confusing but critical:

  1. each drive letter has it own cwd
  2. default cwd= \

same command dir d: /b, different outputs

:: output the files in drive letter 'd:',  effective path= 'd:'+'\'
c:\>dir d: /b
Program Files
Program Files (x86)

:: change cwd of drive letter 'd:' from `\` to '\zork'
c:\>cd /d d:\zork

:: now switch back to c:\
d:\zork>cd /d c:\

:: output the files in drive leter 'd:' , effective path= 'd:'+'\zork'
c:\>dir d: /b

and we can see this in practice.
here, rclone passes d: to the os, and the os replies with d:/zork

rclone ls d: -vv
2023/12/11 13:25:16 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.65.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "ls" "d:" "-vv"]
2023/12/11 13:25:16 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "d:"
2023/12/11 13:25:16 DEBUG : Using config file from "c:\\data\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
2023/12/11 13:25:16 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "d:" to be canonical "//?/d:/zork"
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