Copying Data from Rclone cache drive to normal

do you have any rclone mounts running as a background processes?

yes i do they are mounted currently

and that mount is using the cache backend.

i have never used the cache but i understand that there you cannot share a cache remote between two running versions of rclone.

so kill the mount.
and then create a new remote mount using the new gcrypt2:

yes that mount is

ok i have just done that

create a new remote mount using the new gcrypt2:

ok i have done that

what is the command you are using for the rclone mount?

rclone mount gcrypt2 ~/mnt/gdrive &

good, and i assume that it is working?

yes i see all the contents

so am i correct to say that now its mounted with no cache which is better?

it is mounted with no cache.

ok great will see if there is any improvements

Thank you!

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