Copy/sync Multiple Directories from same drive with 1 rclone command. Filters not applying

as for the mount question im using what you suggested a while ago with nssm: so it auto mounts when i start windows.

nope, I had the issue with the include-from text file erroring out or throwing in a 360k line log file that would crash. I guess i should of been clearer, my mistake.

yea it helped me, only question I did have on that is i tried using winfsp launcher but nothing came up in the registry to make the service threw there so i had to use nssm for it. but its not that bad as i saved the registry keys to reapply them when I reinstall windows.

now for the continuance of this: i have 4 disks that need to be synced to google drive one needs to be moved.

X-Drive.txt (media) 
X-Drive-Videos.txt (only one that moves videos to media drive.) 

so for that would I just make 4 separate scripts and have them autorun one after each other? threw task scheduler or could i schedule one and have it auto call the next one.

cant make new replys.

oh okay! I thought it was limited to one line/command only. i sent you a message so the edit doesn't take up a full page of "new replies"

i guess for for the videos one it would be:

rclone move X:\Videos\TV\Shows\.Library-Temp Media:\Videos\TV --include-from "X:\.rclone\Directories\X-Drive-Videos.txt" -L -P --ignore-case --log-file "X:\.rclone\backup\x-Videos-log.txt" --cache-tmp-wait-time 7s --drive-chunk-size 64m --buffer-size 512m -v