Configuring Rclone with same provider - different accounts

The specific provider in question is OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure), but I imagine the question applies to any other cloud provider.

I am interested in transferring data from a bucket under one OCI account to a bucket in another OCI account. I am unsure of how to specify each in a configuration profile.

When you do rclone config you need to create a different remote for each account. So you’ll run rclone config twice making two remotes called (say) account1 and account2. Then you do

rclone -v copy account1:bucket1 account2:bucket2

this will download and upload all the data though, so might be best done on an OCI VM.

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this will download and upload all the data though, so might be best done on an OCI VM.

So is it safe to say that a best practice would be to have as much local storage as the size of the bucket? Is there a way to segment the object transfer, if the total size is many terabytes?

It will do the transfer on the fly, so no local storage required.