Concurrent mounts/uploads


i’ve got two servers from which i’d like to upload data into one amazon cloud drive. The same rclone config is being used on both servers and since the data is encrypted with EncFS, they share that config, too.
They also both have the ACD mounted read only to stream via Plex.
Does anyone have some recommendations on how to handle this scenario, i.e. keep everything in sync without losing or corrupting data? I’m worried that writing to amazon drive via rclone from two hosts in parallel while also periodically syncing down the accumulated changes to each host might lead to disaster.

Right now, i think i might have to switch to acdcli mounts which afaik offer periodic syncing (though something similar could surely be scripted for rclone). I also had to move from crypt to encFS because i could not get Plex to perform well reading from a crypt remote, but i believe that’s a known issue.

Anyone doing something similar? Have any suggestions? :wink:

Well, sync is scary because it can delete stuff, are you going to be deleting stuff from the folders you’re syncing to ACD? If not, perhaps you should do a copy operation instead, which simply adds any new files.

Also, I haven’t noticed much of any performance hits with crypt, it does seem to have a couple bugs though. Some people use acd_cli to mount ACD, and then use rclone crypt instead of encfs for their acd_cli mount.

So both of your servers will upload movies/series ?

My current scenario is
1x server for download/upload ( nzbget,torrents, sonarr, couchpotato )
1x Plex & PlexPy, the only thing that this one upload is subtitles that plex downloaded ( cron one per hour)

Both servers are mounted with rclone ( using encfs for encryption )

I dont get how do you prevent downloading/uploading of same data on both servers ?