Clean stats for notification

This may sound like a dumb question, but is it possible to get a clean output of the completed stats?
I’ve been trying --stats 1h but I still see output like this…

2019/05/05 08:02:29 INFO : Local file system at /media/storage/Media/Television: Waiting for checks to finish
2019/05/05 08:02:29 INFO : Local file system at /media/storage/Media/Television: Waiting for transfers to finish

I would love to be able to isolate it just to the actual stats…

Transferred: 0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA -
Errors: 0
Checks: 0 / 0, -
Transferred: 0 / 0, -
Elapsed time: 16s

Not sure if that’s possible using the current functionality.
The reason is that I would love to push to a notification service but don’t want to push the whole log to it, because it makes it harder to read.

You can use -P to see progress. You can use --stats-one-line if you just want the summary.

Try this which will output the stats once at the end of the sync but not all the intermediate logs you get with -v

rclone --stats-log-level NOTICE --stats 999h

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