Chunked + encrypted space overhead is quite high

Thanks, you're welcome, happy we found the reason and your data was OK :sweat_smile:

Well spotted, there is indeed a bug in the stats reported by rclone when using chunker.

These are the simplest steps I could find to reproduce:

> rclone test makefile 10M ./testfolder/10Mfile
2022/09/20 15:55:33 NOTICE: Creating 1 files of size 10Mi.
2022/09/20 15:55:33 NOTICE: Written 10MiB in 12ms at 834.021MiB/s.
> rclone copy ./testfolder/10Mfile :chunker,remote='./testfolder/chunks',chunk_size=1M: --progress --ignore-times 
Transferred:           20 MiB / 20 MiB, 100%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Checks:                10 / 10, 100%
Renamed:               10
Transferred:            1 / 1, 100%
Elapsed time:         0.1s

I added --ignore-times to the last command to make it repeatable during debugging and test.

Seems like the same or a similar issue has been seen before:
Double data transferred when using chunk + crypt with --crypt-no-data-encryption=true
Errors uploading files when using -crypt-no-data-encryption=true 路 Issue #5498 路 rclone/rclone 路 GitHub
and suspect a regression from the introduction of this feature:
--stats-one-line-date does not increment transfers when doing a server-side move 路 Issue #5430 路 rclone/rclone 路 GitHub

I suggest you create a GitHub bug report with a link to this thread, then you can easily add your own comments and track status.